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5 Fruits that help you Slim Down

5 Fruits That Will Help You Lose Weight

Guest Post by Melissa.

Editor's Note - I removed all references to the word "superfood" and replaced it with "useful food" or similar wording. I find that word to be problematic, because it tends to imply that the food is somehow special or magical. While it is true that many foods have special properties or have lots of specific nutrients or minerals, that trait of being useful in some way is pretty much universal of all vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, etc. I also find that people have a tendency to use the word "superfood" in the same way some people use the words "new and improved", "exceptional", "hassle free", "perfectly honest", etc. As a result I have gone through the following guest post and removed any word I feel is unnecessary words designed to sell you on a product.

There is a myriad of ways to shed off your unwanted pounds and get back into shape.

Not all diets and slimming solutions, of course, are bound to work. Some might even leave you feeling hungrier and more miserable than ever.

The truth is, when it comes to weight loss, there are no shortcuts. If you really want to lose weight and keep it off, it’ll take commitment to a lifestyle change. This means eating more nutritious food, sticking with healthier food choices, and totally junking the junk food.

Moreover, to prevent further weight gain and support your weight loss goals, you’ll also need to include exercise or some form of physical activity in your plan.

When it comes to diet and weight loss, a boost in your daily fruit intake has proven beneficial as well.
Here are five fruits that you can incorporate into your daily diet to help you cut back on a few pounds.

Good Fat? Maybe, but overeating Avocados is still Fattening.

Avocado has grown increasingly popular among the health-conscious over the years, for good reason.

Considered an useful food, avocado contains a variety of vitamins and minerals: vitamin K, folate,
vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium, to name a few, are all present in this fruit.

Avocado is also high in fat-- the good kind-- as it contains the same sort of fatty acids found in
olive oil, which makes it "heart friendly". This pear-shaped fruit can lower cholesterol levels,
prevent certain cancers, and protects the eyes.

Editor's Note - It is possible to become fat by eating too many avocados. Avocados have a bad rep amongst the vegan community because far too many vegans have become addicted to avocados as a source of energy/fat and end up gaining weight instead of losing any. I have known many vegan friends who ended up putting on weight because they got addicted to eating avocados every day, so be forewarned.

Compared with other fruit, avocado is loaded with fiber. Fiber helps speed up the metabolism
by burning fat and boosting your energy. This means avocado can help you feel full and satiated
longer, and thereby curbs your appetite.

Adding avocado to your diet is easy. One of the most popular recipes that requires avocado is
guacamole-- but if you don’t have the time to whip some up, you can always just mash the fruit
and spread it on your toast like butter, and you’re good to go.


Watermelon is a fruit that you can eat while drinking it, or drink while eating it. Depending on
how you munch on it, you can even treat half of your face to an amusing wash as well.

This is because watermelon is about 92% water. This gives the fruit a refreshing feel that is
perfect for summer picnics and beach getaways.

Distantly related to cucumber, pumpkin, and squash, you can be sure that watermelon is likewise packed with nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, beta-carotene, antioxidants, and amino acids.

A two-cup serving of watermelon has about 15-20 milligrams of lycopene, a phytonutrient
known to promote healthy reactions in the body that can prevent heart, bone, and certain

Let your watermelon fully ripen so that you get redder flesh. That way, you can optimize its
lycopene concentration. But don’t be quick to discount the rest of the fruit. The fruit is also rich
in fiber, which helps promote bowel movement. The white part near the rind is known to have
an amino acid that promotes better blood flow and circulation.

Since this fruit is devoid of fat, a serving equivalent to a cup will have only about 40 calories.
That means you can snack freely on it without the guilt. Use watermelon to make smoothies, juice, or
add it to a bed of greens to jazz up your salads.


An apple a day does keep the doctor away. Or so the saying goes. And since it is such an amazing fruit, apples also keeps the extra pounds at bay.

Like the watermelon, the apple consists mainly of water. If you eat something that is water-rich,
chances are you will feel fuller. This puts off your appetite, thus reducing your cravings.
But that’s not all. Apples are low on the calories but high in fiber. A medium-sized apple, for
instance, only has 95 calories but its fiber content is 4 grams, which accounts for about 16% of
the recommended daily fiber intake for women, and 11% for men. This means apples are good
for your metabolic rate.

The nutrients in the apple can help with blood sugar control, mental health, and Alzheimer’s
disease, and can reduce the risk of mouth, ovarian, throat, and breast cancers with daily

There are a lot of recipes and uses for the apple. But the easiest way is just to snack on it in
between meals-- peel included, since most of the nutrients are found in the skin.


Grapefruit is one of the more popular weight-loss fruits. With colors ranging from white, yellow,
pink, and finally to a fully ripe red, its flavor varies from sour to sweet as well. It is a highly
nutritious fruit with low-calorie content.

Eating half a grapefruit each day ensures that you get all the health benefits that come with this
useful food. Grapefruit has an enzyme that helps kick-start your metabolism. Through a physical
activity like regular exercise, this enzyme is activated and transforms your body’s stored sugar
and fat into energy.

If you have tried all means to break up with your cellulite and you still have not been able to do
so, grapefruit just might do the trick. The bromelain in the grapefruit is known to crush cellulite
build-up. Grapefruit also contains antioxidants that neutralize carcinogens and flavonoids that
lessen the risk of ischemic stroke.

Grapefruit is best enjoyed as an alternative to desserts that are bad for you. It can be added to a
salad or used in a smoothie or a juice. You can also use grapefruit as an essential oil or seed

A mixed bowl of berries and fruit.

Completing the list of weight loss- friendly fruits is the berry family. Helping you feel fuller longer for fewer calories, berries are also an antioxidant.

Editor's Note - Okay, so technically strawberries are not really berries because they are not part of the berry family - strawberries are part of the Rose family. But oranges, lemons, grapefruit, watermelons, tomatoes and avocados are technically member's of the berry family. Go figure. So if you were paying attention that means that 4 of the 5 "fruits" listed above are actually berries.

  • Raspberries are great for improving the metabolism and reducing total body fat, especially the
  • deep-seated belly fat.
  • A handful of blueberries can help regulate the insulin level for enhanced blood sugar control.
  • Blackberries are loaded with fiber, keeping you from feeling hungry.
Aside from their weight loss properties, various types of berries also aid in enhancing brain function, effectively managing diabetes, maintaining healthy bones, lowering blood pressure, and preventing urinary tract infection.

These berries can be eaten as they are or combined with other fruit to make a healthy smoothie. One of the best ways to enjoy them is through their infusion in water.

Set your fitness journey in motion by having your fill of these amazing fruits each day. But remember to always pair your fruit intake with the right diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.

Sources eat-to- lose-weight- quickly/#gref nutrition.html benefits-of- avocado weight#section5 affect-weight weight-loss/ Can-Help- You-Lose- Weight-26331222 of-grapefruit coach/summers-secret- weight-loss- weapon eating-berries- help-you- lose-weight/

Author's Bio: Melissa is a young and energetic writer, a mom to a sweet little boy, and a fur-mom to two perfect pooches. Before becoming the Associate Content Director for, she was a journalist specializing in topics related to women in politics and policy affecting women.

How I used personal training to help my infant son roll, crawl and walk faster, Part One

By Charles Moffat, Toronto Personal Trainer.

Okay so my infant son Richard is roughly 3 months and 2 weeks old, and he is already rolling over from his back to his belly, and vice versa. He did his first complete roll yesterday and did several more today.

Now to be clear, being able to roll over by himself is a huge stepping stone for a baby. The normal ages for rolling over, sitting up, crawling, standing up, and walking are as follows:
Rolling Over - 4 to 6 Months
Sitting Up - 4 to 8 Months
Crawling - 7 to 10 Months
Standing Up - 9 to 12 Months
Walking - 9 to 15 Months
Call me impatient if you wish, but I have become determined to help my son reach the various milestones slightly faster than other babies. (For context he said "Daddy" back on August 31st, when he was just 2 months and 1 week old - and he was 2 weeks early popping out of his momma, so clearly he is also impatient to do everything in a hurry.)

Every day I get my son exercising. But the exercises he does differ from what most parents normally do.

#1. Tummy Time

Usually such exercising is referred to as "Tummy Time", which is included in what he does. Tummy Time is typically laying the baby on his or her tummy so they can practice lifting their head up.

Tummy Time is important for building neck and upper back muscles, in addition to arm muscles, leg muscles, abdominal muscles - all muscles your baby needs to start building.

Tummy Time is an exercise that all babies should be doing, every day. So it is strongly recommended parents take the time to have their babies do 10 to 30 minutes of Tummy Time per day.

#2. Assisted Rolling

In addition to Tummy Time I also help my son to roll over - to the point that he can now roll over onto his side - and from his side to his belly - all by himself.

We accomplished this by doing the following:
  • Assisted rolling by helping him move his arms and legs into the correct positions for rolling over and then helping him push himself onto his side, and eventually on to his belly.
  • Laying him on his side so he can practice rolling on to his back or towards his belly, unassited
Now that he can roll himself under his own power he is less vulnerable to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). A common cause of SIDS is a baby suffocating on something because they were unable to roll away from the object they were suffocating on. Even being able to perform a half-roll on to their side could end up saving their life.

#3. Assisted Sitting Up and Assisted Sit Ups

This I accomplish by placing him in a sitting position and supporting his back and chest with one hand. As he gets better at it however I have started removing the hand supporting his chest, and even switching to having both hands holding his wrists instead of his torso - this way he still gets support if he needs it, for safety reasons, but otherwise is practicing holding himself upright in a sitting position.

I find you have to kind of steer him using his wrists and arms because his lack of balance will cause him to leave forward or to the sides more often.

The second part of this is holding his hands and helping him to perform a basic Sit Up. He starts from a laying position, holding his wrists I help him into a sitting position - maintain that sitting position - and then help lower him back down into a laying position. I repeat the Sit Ups 10 times before giving him a break.

#4. Assisted Standing

Using my hands under his armpits to support him, I lift my son into a standing position. I then reduce the amount of pressure I am using to support him, forcing him to exercise his leg muscles in order to maintain standing.

Doing this exercise every day, I find it allows my son to build stronger legs so that he is now able to stand for longer periods with very minimal support (mostly for balance and safety purposes) from myself.

Sometimes I will also help him by supporting his hands instead of his arm pits, so he is more under his own power.

#5. Assisted Squats

Since his legs are getting stronger every day, I have also started helping him to do squats. Squats builds his leg muscles even faster than standing does. The method is similar to the assisted standing above, but I reduce the amount of pressure I use to support him so that he is forced to either stand on his own or is reduced to a squatting position and then he has to use his own power to stand back up again.

He hasn't reached the point like the baby below has with the squatting and lifting weights, but nevertheless.

 Your End Goals

The ultimate goal of all of these exercises is to improve the survivability and strength of your baby.

If your baby can roll over by themselves that is a very important step, but being able to sit up independently, crawl away from danger, or even stand and walk away from danger - those seem like important skills to me.

As my son gets older I will also be making sure he learns how to swim and a variety of other useful skills.

Doing all of this in a supervised manner is safer in my opinion.

Doing the things mentioned above may seem like "no brainers" to some people, but I am also applying personal training concepts to his exercises, things like:
  1. Repetition - He does every exercise 10 times or more, or for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Exercising Daily - He exercises every day, even when Papa is tired or busy we still make time to do the exercises.
  3. Do Every Exercise - We don't skip any exercises. 10+ minutes of Tummy Time, 10 Rolls, 10 Minutes of Sitting, 10 Sit Ups, 10 Minutes Standing, 10 Squats. Total time - About 35-45 minutes.
  4. Break Times - So he doesn't get exhausted.
  5. No Exercising on a Full Tummy - Want to see the baby spit up? No? Then wait at least 30 minutes after feeding before doing any exercises.
  6. Nap times are also good, not just for baby, but for everyone.

As your child grows they are going to be exercising constantly. Remember to hydrate and feed them regularly. Sleep. Nap. Rest breaks.

Avoid too much TV, computers and cellphones. If it feels like they are watching screen too often, it is time to go outside.

Remember to have fun outdoors!

Don't Expect This To Happen

Sports Bras for Women in Sizes XL, XXL and XXXL

I received the following spam email recently, from a Chinese manufacturer trying to sell their sports bras:

Nice day!

(Quality is our culture)
We export waist trainer,sportwear,yoga leggings,sport bra and so on.

We accept custom design,print logo,make label,fashion packing.

Following is popular sport bra sharing with you.


Attachment is our latest catalog for your reference,please check.

Best regards,




Zoey Zhan

However rather than just delete the spammy email I decided to respond and tell Zoey off for her company doing something that annoys me and I know it has annoyed many other people, and for once I am not talking about the fact that she spammed me. I am talking about a different issue.

Here is how I responded:

Hello Zoey!

So I was talking to a client a few months ago, and we were discussing why companies like yours don't make sports bras that are for women in sizes XL, XXL, or XXXL.

The problem as we saw it was this:

Many Americans have a weight / obesity problem, and for female Americans this has a combined problem - the extra weight of their breasts makes going jogging or running painful, which means that they need to buy a heavy duty sports bra that comes in their size.

Except companies like yours do not even make sports bras in sizes XL, XXL or XXXL. A quick look through the catelog you sent me shows the largest size you have available for various sports bras was either L or XL, and Large was by far the norm. Only a few examples were available in XL.

So how are such women supposed to go jogging when sports bras in their sizes don't even exist?

As a personal trainer I firmly believe that my clients need to exercise in order to achieve their goals, but if exercising is painful to the client it means I have to come up with alternative exercises which are less painful or involve zero pain - which unfortunately means they are also exercises which are less effective at burning calories (and consequently less effective at losing weight).

Now you spammed me your photos and your catalog for the purpose of getting sales, right?

But here is the thing, if you were REALLY SERIOUS about selling your sports bras in the USA / Canada, then you should be making them available in larger sizes like XXL and XXXL.

Now there are a few companies out there that do make sports bras in such sizes, but they are really hard to even find. And companies like yours are not making things any better by pushing your tiny sports bras towards a North American consumer audience.

Please start making sports bras in sizes more people can actually wear.

Charles Moffat

Additional Commentary

Now as a mentioned in my email response, there are a few companies out there who do make sports bras in larger sizes, and they are sadly few and hard to find.

One such company I managed to find was "". The image shown on the right here is plucked from their website, I am certain they won't mind the free advertising.

And there are doubtlessly other companies out there like JustMySize which also sell similar sports bras for women. So to any ladies out there who are looking to exercise more and want to avoid the pain sometimes involved in doing more strenuous exercises, please go do a Google search and find one of these manufacturers that have made the extra effort to make sports bras in sizes that actually fit you.

And the companies that do not actually cater to their audience's needs, well, they should just be ashamed of themselves.

Spand-Ice Vest for Back Pain - For Weightlifters and More

If you are into weightlifting and various other exercises / sports, you may sometimes experience back pain. While Back Pain is not strictly a sports injury, it might as well be - and if you are experiencing extreme back pain - that could be a sports injury, and you should consult a doctor.

My normal recommendation for people experiencing back pain is to use Tylenol 650 mg tablets - which are marketed in pharmacies both as a muscle relaxer and for people suffering from arthritis. Hot Tip - It is the exact same product in both bottles, but the arthritis pills are typically cheaper. I guess they are counting on weightlifters on being unable to do math.

Yoga is also good for people suffering from back pain, as it helps to improve your posture - and posture problems is a common cause of back pain.

However today is different.

Yesterday I received a package from a courier.

In it was the "Spand-Ice Safe Alternative to Opioids: The Revive Tank - Wearable Ice + Heat Therapy for Back Pain Relief, Recovery, and Support".

Or as I like to call it, an "Ice Vest for Back Pain" or just "Ice Vest". So much simpler.

Spand-Ice (American company) contacted me in late August, seeking to promote their product.

And at the time my response was "Hmm... I sometimes get back pain." More often these days since the birth of my son, and I will sometimes strain my back a bit while carrying him. (Proof that this product isn't just for weightlifters, although my son recently clocked in at 14.9 lbs when we visited the pediatrician - so he is growing fast!)

So I agreed to test out their product and post a product review.

So yes, yesterday the package arrived containing a Men's Size Large version of their product and I briefly reviewed some of the written documents they sent with the product. (And my wife says I never read instruction manuals...)

And then I tossed the new ice packs in the freezer, next to the ice cubes and ice cream.

Now I should note this is not my first time using ice packs for pain therapy - I also have a collection of ice packs for treating wrist and elbow pain.

I should also note that ice packs only serve to provide pain relief. It is not a permanent cure to any kind of chronic pain. For that I recommend consulting a doctor.

My Thoughts So Far on the Spand-Ice Vest
  1. Wear the vest over clothing, don't try to put it directly on. The extra clothing gives you a buffer zone between you and the ice packs.
  2. Why did they call it a Tank? It is clearly a Vest. A tank top wouldn't have a zipper or buttons going down the front. But a vest would have a zipper or buttons going down the front. Someone in their product naming department needs some Fashion Police to tell them what is what.
  3. It feels really good on a hot day. I could see wearing this just to cool down on a hot day.
  4. Bonus, the packs can also be heated in the microwave - which means you could wear them on a cold day to warm up. For Canadians, this would go well with shoveling snow out of the driveway or sidewalks of your home. Heat up the packs in the microwave first, put on the vest, add a few extra layers for added warmth, go outside and shovel the snow while wearing them - stay warm while doing it!
  5. It does feel nice numbing any back pain. So it works. Huzzah.
  6. Because the vest is pretty snug and fits me well, I could see wearing this outside under a sweater or hoodie, with a shirt underneath the vest.
  7. I don't think it is very fashionable however. Not something to wear in public.
  8. The vest seems to be well constructed and made of durable materials. Only time will tell however, but at present it looks pretty good in terms of durability.
  9. I tried it on briefly yesterday and then ended up feeding and burping my son. He spat up a little bit on the shoulder during the burping process, but it wiped off easily. Woot?!
  10.  I am wearing the vest right now while typing this. It feels pretty good. So it works and does what it is supposed to do. I like it when a product does that.
  11. I like how the pouches for ice packs have two levels, one for the lower back and one for the middle of the back. I just use both, to get the "full effect", but I can see some people preferring to only use one ice pack at a time.
  12. The ice packs might be compatible with other ice packs I use for elbow and wrist pain. Maybe. Not sure. I haven't actually tested this yet, but they LOOK to be roughly the same size.
  13. The vest includes a belt that goes around your mid-section and then Velcros in place. I am guessing this is to prevent the vest from sliding around too much. Once it is on it is pretty snug and doesn't really move.
  14. I do feel a bit fat wearing it - but I guess that is normal for vests as they add bulk to the chest and gut area. But whatever, you are not wearing the vest for its fashionableness.
  15. If I was to wear a vest out in public, I have other vests that are fancier. Maybe wear one of those over top of the Spand-Ice Vest? Example below.
The author wearing a more fashionable vest and a Stetson while directing traffic at his sister's wedding.
Additional Commentary

I get that Spand-Ice is marketing their vest ("tank") for people who are into sports, and thus it looks like sportswear. But honestly, if they just added some buttons and pinstripes, it would look so much better. And then could offer it in colours other than black. True, black worked well for the Model T Ford, but when it comes to fashion more options is certainly better.

Also there is a long list of back pain sufferers I think who would like this product.
  • Pregnant mothers.
  • Elderly people.
  • People with back arthritis.
  • Parents who have to bend over constantly and pick up their children (cough cough, like me).
  • Construction workers.
  • Anybody with bad posture induced back pain.
  • People suffering from a back injury due to an accident.
  • People recovering from back surgery.
  • People who need to wear too much clothing at work and just want to cool down underneath all those layers. Ha!
  • Hunters - because carrying a deer or similar large prey out of the woods so you can eat it is back breaking work. Bonus, just make it camouflage instead of black. Hunters will buy anything that has camo on it.
The price is a bit much in my opinion: $125 USD. I was not expecting it to be that much.

It is made in the USA. So that might be a factor as to the cost.

But that is probably normal for a new product that recently went through its Kickstarter phase and only recently became available to the general public. I imagine the price will gradually go down as its popularity grows.

Product Links

For Men

For Women

Is my 15-year-old son still eligible to learn archery?


"Hi, my son is very interested in learning archery. However he is just under 15 years of age. I know you have an age minimum, please advise if he is still eligible?

Do you have any spots open for Saturdays in the morning? Full package.

my thanks,
Nancy H."


Hey Nancy!

I took a break from teaching archery about a week ago to spend more time with my son while my wife works on her career. My weekends are pretty busy indefinitely so my availability even on weekends is best described as "fully booked". So I am not available any more to teach, regardless of your son's age.

Sorry if there is some mixed messages with respect to my Signature Message. I should update that.

However I do have a suggestion. Sign your son up for Boy Scouts (when he turns 15 he can switch to Venturer Scouts, which is for ages 15 to 17).
  • Beaver Scouts (Ages 5-7)
  • Cub Scouts (Ages 8-10)
  • Scouts (Ages 11-14)
  • Venturer Scouts (Ages 15-17)
  • Rover Scouts (Ages 18-26)

I can also recommend an excellent book:

Precision Archery
By Steve Ruis and Claudia Stevenson

If you have any questions (such as questions about buying archery equipment) let me know and I will help the best I can. Have a good day!

Charles Moffat

Signature Message - I took a break from being a personal trainer / sports coach as of August 28th to pursue being a full time stay-at-home-dad while my wife pursues her career. I will be using the time to finish writing an archery book and I may sometimes teach Archery Lessons (weekends only), depending on my availability. In the meantime please browse free archery tips on, testimonials, and check out what else Cardio Trek has to offer.
Looking to sign up for archery lessons, boxing lessons, swimming lessons, ice skating lessons or personal training sessions? Start by emailing and lets talk fitness!


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