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Maximizing your Cardio Workout using Vitamins

By Josh Wardini

[Click image on the right to see the full Infographic.]

Want to get the best out of every cardio workout? Then you need to fuel your body with the highest quality nutrition possible. You’ve heard it all before – you need to exercise properly and eat properly to be as healthy as possible.
It’s something every mother has told her kids at some stage or another – you have to eat your vegetables. The reasons given are numerous – eat your carrots so that you can see in the dark, veggies make you healthy and strong, etc. You know the drill.
And, as it turns out, our mothers were right. We do need to eat our veggies. What they got wrong, however, was how many servings to eat daily. Until recently, it was thought that five servings of fruits and veggies a day were adequate.
Research has since found out that nine servings a day are essential for optimal health. And it’s as important to have a varied range of veggies as it is to get enough servings. A varied range is essential so that you get the range of vitamins you need.
You might even be slightly deficient in some vitamins now. The easiest way to check if you really are could be by looking at the following vitamins infographic. It contains more information on what the various vitamins do and what the symptoms of their deficiency are. We found it at, a site which reviews devices that can help the elderly with proactive emergency care.
But it is not just that fruit and veggies are good for our body. They provide fiber and vital nutrients that are essential for good gut health as well. What does the gut have to do with the mind? That is something that science is only just starting to understand.
We don’t know the exact mechanism yet, but there is a correlation between poor gut health and increased levels of depression. So, if you truly want to get the most out of your cardio, mentally as well as physically, you better start filling your plate with healthy fruit and vegetables.

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