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Stay in Shape for the Winter with Weightlifting

Winter is Coming...

And many people don't exercise as much during the winter, as not everyone is into winter sports like skiing, ice skating, snowboarding, Archery Biathlon and more.

Or even if they are into such sports, keep reading, because weightlifting can also be used to cross-train in other sports.

Speaking for myself, every winter I come up with a series of weightlifting exercises using dumbbells that I can do 4 to 5 days per week, and I usually toss in some bodyweight exercises too.

Doing these exercises largely target the upper body, but if the individual desires they can also do squats and other exercises which focus on the legs.

Sample Dumbbell Exercises

#1. Bicep Curls

#2. Overhead Tricep Lifts

#3. Deltoid Lifts - Front Deltoids, Side Deltoids, Back Deltoids

#4. Oblique Twists

#5. Oblique Lifts

#6. Forearm Twist and Shuffle - Holding the dumbbell, twist your forearm and pass the dumbbell to your left hand. Twist the dumbbell in your left hand and pass it back. Repeat. Cue the disco music.

#7. Dumbbell Rowing - You will need a sturdy rope, a chin-up bar, and a dumbbell to do this exercise. A handle for the rope helps too. Tie one end to the dumbbell, lift the rope over the chin-up bar, tie the other end to handle. Sit down and brace your feet against the sides of the door. Proceed to row. This exercise will target your back muscles (eg. rhomboids), your back deltoids, and your triceps.

#8. One Arm Dumbbell Rowing - No chin up bar or rope? Do an one arm dumbbell row instead.

Sample Body Weight Exercises

A. Chin Ups - Biceps and shoulders. Helps to have a chin-up bar.

B. Push Ups - Triceps, shoulders and pectorals. For extra challenge try decline pushups.

C. Sit Ups - Abdominals. For extra challenge try decline sit ups.

D. Squats - Legs. For extra challenge hold dumbbells in your hand or wear a heavy backpack while doing the squats.

E. Jumping Jacks - Yes, also a cardio, but any form of jumping is technically also a body weight exercise.


For best results, try to do a variety of different exercises so you get a full body workout. The more variety, the better the workout is.

Weightlifting Tips

  1. Do the exercises slowly. Don't rush through them.
  2. Focus on proper form so you don't hurt yourself.
  3. Make a checklist of which exercises you want to do every workout.
  4. Keep a journal of which exercises you did and the size of the dumbbells so you can see your progression over time.
  5. You don't need lots of expensive exercise equipment. Start with some 10 or 15 lb dumbbells and work your way up. When you are ready, go buy some 20s. When you get bored of those, 25s.
  6. Use lightweight dumbbells at the beginning of the workout. Don't use the heavy dumbbells until the end.
  7. Pace yourself. Take a 30 second breather between exercises.
  8. Don't drink excessively while weightlifting. Have a good drink of water after you complete your workout.
  9. Set a schedule so you have a set time each day that you do your workout.
  10. Do the workout even if tired or stressed. Weightlifting helps reduce stress, and you will sleep better after your workout.
  11. Doing your workout in the morning before shower/breakfast helps wake you up faster than coffee.
  12. Doing your workout in the evening, right before an evening snack and sleeping, helps tire you out and improves your sleep.
  13. Yes, you can do two or more workouts per day. What is stopping you? Are your legs broken?
  14. Excuses and procrastination are for lazy people who never accomplish anything.
  15. Start today. Do it today. Do it again tomorrow.
  16. If you fall off the horse, don't despair. Just get right back on the horse. Remember Tip #11.
  17. Play music or watch TV while exercising. Make it part of your routine to listen to your favourite songs or watch your favourite shows while exercising.
  18. If recuperating from an injury focus on other exercises that don't utilize the body part that is injured. eg. Shoulder injury? Time to focus on leg exercises and the other arm.

Weightlifting Tips for Parents

  • If you have small children you can involve your baby or toddler in your weightlifting exercise. A 20 lb baby can be quite the workout. Think of it as quality time with your baby. Don't drop the baby or do anything common sense would say is a bad idea.
  • If you have older kids and they want to join you in your workouts, get smaller dumbbells that are just for them to use. eg. 3 lb or 5 lb. Such a small amount will be more than enough for their needs.

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