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5 Tips for Gaining Muscle Mass Faster

As a bodybuilder or a keen gym-goer, you'll know that there are plenty of things you can do to gain muscle mass. However, if you are looking to gain muscle fast, this is where it becomes difficult. Since muscle growth is naturally a slower process than fat gain, you'll need to make some specific changes to your diet and training routine. If you want to gain muscle mass fast, here are some tips you can use.

Start from a Low Body Fat Level

Experts suggest that starting your muscle-building journey from a lean state will help you to maximize results. For men, you want to be at 10% body fat or lower, and for women, you should be at 16% or less. If your body fat percentage is any higher than this and you start to try and build muscle mass by consuming more calories, you are simply feeding a metabolism that is increasing body fat stores. Instead, the leaner you are, the more likely it is that your body will use these calories for training, muscle growth, and recovery. This leads us to our next point.

Add More Calories Gradually

As you probably already know, gaining muscle requires consuming more calories than you burn off. Since you need to be in a calorie deficit for losing weight, the opposite is true for bulking up. However, there is a delicate balance you need to reach when it comes to increasing your caloric intake. Too much, and you risk excessive body fat being gained instead of muscle. The best advice is to gradually increase the amount you eat so that you can carefully monitor your weight gain and achieve the right muscle growth to fat gain ratio.

Consider Natural Steroids

Anabolic steroids are currently illegal in the US and possession of them can land you with a hefty fine and even a prison sentence in some situations. There are also many nasty side effects, such as infertility, breast development, and an increased risk of prostate cancer, so it's just not worth the risk. However, there is good news for those wanting to gain muscle mass fast in a safer way. You can try turkesterone instead. This is a natural ecdysteroid found in plants and insects. There are said to be many health benefits related to turkesterone, including increased muscular endurance, improved recovery time, and improved body composition. It can even help with improving cholesterol and glucose levels.

Workout Sessions Should Be Frequent but Less Intense

While the temptation might be to simply create more intense workouts, research suggests that this isn't always the best route to take. Instead, you want to work out more frequently without pushing yourself too hard. This avoids injury and excessive soreness. For example, if you planned to focus on training your legs in just one session per week, you'd need to do a high number of low stimulus reps. However, spreading the reps over several sessions allows you to move more weight and reduce the stress you are putting on your body.

Eat More Protein and Carbs

It goes without saying that protein is vital for muscle growth. You need to consume around 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight when you are trying to bulk up. However, it is also important to get enough carbs. While the muscles can use protein for energy, carbs are required if you want energy for high-intensity workouts. Here, it is recommended that you consume between two and three grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight.

Gaining muscle fast requires eating the right foods and devising the right workout. Use these tips to help you along your journey.

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