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5 Bodybuilding Tips you can do Today for $0

Let's pretend you want to start bodybuilding or weightlifting today, but you don't have the budget to go buy fancy equipment or get a gym membership.

With a recession looming and rampant inflation, now is a good time to invest in BUYING NOTHING, but instead making use of the muscle between your ears to start weightlifting today without having to spend a penny.

 #1. Bodyweight Exercises

You don't need fancy equipment to do the following exercises:

  • Sit-Ups, 8 sets of 12
  • Push-Ups, 8 sets of 12
  • Squats, 8 sets of 12
  • Jumping Jacks, 8 sets of 12

Admittedly the jumping jacks will feel more like cardio, but you're still technically lifting your body during the process.

#2. Less is More, sets of 8 to 12 reps

Start with doing 8 sets of 12 repetitions of each exercise you are doing. So 96 total.

Every 3 weeks of doing these exercises you can change the number of sets and repetitions as follows:

  • 9 sets of 11
  • 10 sets of 10
  • 11 sets of 9
  • 12 sets of 8

So the volume stays roughly the same, but the focus at the beginning is on endurance, while as you progress it becomes more focused on strength. It is assumed that after 3 weeks of doing the same exercise that your endurance should have gone up by now. You should also be a bit bored and looking for a change and wanting more of a challenge.

If you're really desperate for a change you can jump two stages instead of one, or possibly progress to the next stage every 2 weeks instead of 3.

#3. Look around your home for Old Exercise Equipment

Chances are likely you already have some equipment laying around the house, possible yours or your spouse's, or roommate's. Ask if you can use the equipment. Ideally you will be looking for the following items:

  • Dumbbells
  • Barbells
  • Kettlebells
  • Chin-Up Bar
  • Exercise Mat or Yoga Mat
  • Weightlifting Bench

With those you can do a variety of weightlifting exercises.

But you can also make do with other items that you find around the house. Don't have any weights? Fill a cloth grocery bag with books and lift that instead. Or a bucket of water. Or a sack of flour. Small children...

#4. Ask Friends and Family for Old Exercise Equipment they don't use any more...

Tell them you made a New Years Resolution to exercise more and are looking for donations of any exercise equipment they don't need or use. IE. Exercise equipment they probably would've thrown away eventually anyway.

Not all the equipment people give you will necessarily be meant for weightlifting or bodybuilding or powerlifting, but you shouldn't turn down anything you can potentially use for exercising. Eg. If someone offers you archery equipment, take it because archery is a great way to build your upper back muscles.

If someone gives you something that you really cannot use try trading it for different exercise equipment via Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace or similar websites.

#5. When Exercising focus on Form and Safety

Do the exercises properly. If you're not sure how to do the exercise properly consult YouTube or various websites on the topic. You don't need to spend $$$ on personal trainers in order to learn how to do an exercise properly.

Do the following:

  • Be cautious.
  • Don't overdo it.
  • Learn the correct form.
  • Be patient.
  • Start small, build gradually.


Eat lots and eat healthy. Don't be afraid to eat too much. It is more important that you eat lots of healthy food so that you have plenty of nutrients and protein to build muscle.

Got vitamins you should be taking? Start taking them daily.

Eat more often to replenish your strength and energy levels.

Avoid junk food.

Rest and recover.

Learn how to do compound lifts/movements properly.

Find a program that fits your needs.

Stick with it!

Only train 3 to 4 days per week.

Alternate leg days and upper body days / different muscle groups so that muscles have more time to recover and grow.

Take scheduled breaks.

Don't be afraid of (healthy) snacks. If you're hungry, eat something!

Practice the mindset of an athlete. Think of yourself as being "in training".

Better to eat too much protein than not enough.

Creatine Monohydrate (found in red meat), but you can also buy supplements. They're not cheap however. I swear the price has doubled in the last 20 years.

Fish Oil or Krill Oil, not only good for your brain, health, lowering cholesterol, etc, but also good for building muscle.

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