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Javelin as a Sport, Part 2

Back in June a father asked me about getting javelin lessons for his son, which is not one of the sports that I specialize in. I did write about the topic however back in 2016. See Javelin as a Sport.

Here's the response I gave him:


That is not one of the sports I specialize in, but I do remember writing an article with a personal anecdote on the subject.

I recommend going to some track and field events where javelin is one of the sports featured and try talking to any coaches there about the possibility of lessons.

Otherwise there are YouTube videos on the subject and you could purchase javelins for him to practice with and find a safe place (possibly a football or soccer field) to practice.

If you're unable to find anyone else to help him I am still a sports trainer and can assist in his training, but I still recommend finding someone who specializes in teaching javelin.

Have a great day!

Charles Moffat

After the father thanked me it occurred to me that there was one tool at my fingertips that could also provide a good answer, so I went to ChatGPT and asked the following question:

What are the best ways to learn how to do Javelin as a sport?

And here was the response:

If you're interested in learning how to do javelin as a sport, there are several effective ways to get started and improve your skills. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Find a coach or join a club: Look for local athletic clubs or organizations that offer javelin training. Having a qualified coach can make a significant difference in your learning process, as they can provide guidance, correct your technique, and help you progress.

  2. Study proper technique: Javelin throwing involves a specific set of techniques and skills. Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals by studying instructional videos, books, or online resources. Pay attention to grip, approach, body positioning, and the throwing motion.

  3. Warm up and stretch: Like any physical activity, warming up before throwing javelin is crucial. Perform dynamic stretches and mobility exercises to prepare your muscles and joints for the activity.

  4. Start with basic drills: Begin with drills that focus on individual aspects of the throw, such as footwork, arm movement, and balance. These drills will help you develop muscle memory and refine your technique.

  5. Work on strength and conditioning: Javelin throwing requires power, speed, and explosiveness. Incorporate strength and conditioning exercises into your training routine to improve your overall athletic performance. Focus on exercises that target the core, shoulders, legs, and hips.

  6. Practice regularly: Consistency is key when learning any sport. Set aside regular practice sessions to work on your technique, drills, and conditioning. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your training as you progress.

  7. Attend workshops and camps: Look for workshops, clinics, or camps specifically focused on javelin throwing. These events often feature experienced coaches and athletes who can provide valuable insights, feedback, and specialized training.

  8. Participate in competitions: Once you've developed a solid foundation and feel confident in your abilities, consider entering local or regional javelin competitions. Competing will give you valuable experience, expose you to different conditions, and help you gauge your progress.

  9. Seek feedback and analyze performance: Ask your coach or fellow athletes to provide feedback on your technique. Recording and reviewing your throws can also help you identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time.

  10. Stay motivated and set goals: Javelin throwing requires dedication and perseverance. Set short-term and long-term goals to keep yourself motivated and focused on improving. Celebrate your achievements along the way, and remember that progress takes time.

Remember to prioritize safety throughout your training, and if you have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns, consult with a medical professional before engaging in any vigorous physical activity.


I then emailed the AI's response to the father. Answers like that make me realize that certain professions are doomed to be replaced by AI.

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