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Showing posts with label 8 Super Fun Exercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8 Super Fun Exercises. Show all posts

8 Autumn Activities and Sports to keep you fit!

It is October and it is officially Autumn now (because lets face it, the first 20 days of September are technically Summer). Many exercise enthusiasts see the change of seasons as the end to their favourite outdoor activities and an end to their fitness regimen. However before you pack it in and start hibernating during the winter try out these outdoor activities for the cooler Autumn weather.

8 Fun Fall Activities

#1. Cycling

Great cardio and it is good for building endurance. Burns calories like crazy! And it is pretty frugal as you pick up a cheap bicycle easily on kijiji or craigslist.

#2. Sports

Pick one! Football, basketball, baseball and soccer are fantastic fall sports. If those aren't you for you then try archery, tennis, golf, frisbee sports like frolf / frisbee football, etc. And lest we forget we live in Canada and that we all need to play ROAD HOCKEY!

#3. Outdoor Training and Bootcamp

Fall is the perfect season for moving your personal training outdoors. Hire a personal trainer in Toronto (cough cough me) and get lots more exercise while getting fresh air. Or join a morning bootcamp and get your workout finished before you start the day. As a personal trainer / sports trainer I offer a variety of outdoor activities / coaching options / personal training in Toronto. Check out my rates and services.

#4. Running and Jogging

Great for cardio and building endurance!

Okay so maybe running is not your idea of a fun activity. Maybe you haven't heard of "runner's high"? If you run far enough your body starts getting pumped full of hormones to drown out the pain. This is why marathon runners have a tendency to look like heroin addicts - they are literally addicted to runner's high. Now I am not suggesting that you should become an addict like Toronto Mayor Rob Ford (although frankly if he was high on marathons instead of crack the citizens of Toronto would feel safer). But I do believe in the benefits of running and that it is a more fun activity than many people give credit to.

#5. Walking and Hiking

Visiting a ravine, conservation park or even walking in your neighbourhood is great for fitness. Take the dog with you! Take your camera!

#6. Rollerblading

I know most people think of this being a summer activity, but it is still fun to do in the Spring and Autumn too. It is great for cardio and balance as it really works your core muscles.

#7. Parkour and Freerunning

This is a good idea if you are already young and fit. If you are not, maybe this is not a good idea.

#8. Mountain Climbing!

Seriously. It is like adrenaline high weightlifting for the outdoor adventurer! Burns a lot of calories too!

Although I definitely recommend using safety equipment. Freehand climbing is not for the faint of heart.

Calories Burned based on Weight
130 lb
155 lb
180 lb
205 lb
Mountain Climbing

Trampoline Workouts - Fun and Low Effort

When it comes to unusual workouts you can't get much weirder than trampoline exercises - or trampoline sports.

 These "death traps" however are not to be taken lightly. As the classic Simpsons episode demonstrates, trampolines can cause some serious injuries so my immediate recommendation is that you start small, use a space with lots of headroom (so you don't hit your head on the ceiling), and proceed slowly with a degree of caution until you get used to the trampoline.

These days you can get a mini exercise trampoline and this will make much more sense if you are getting purely to be part of your workout. (Note that I said "part of your workout". Using a trampoline should not be sole source of your exercise.)

Like any other fitness gadget you will need to learn how to use it properly and safely - and to its full potential, and thus realize also its limitations. You will want to use it barefoot or in socks, pad the area around the trampoline (in case you fall off), and never have food or water on the trampoline with you (it has the potential to make a mess, become a distraction and cause slippery accidents).

8 Super Fun Trampoline Exercises

#1. Start by doing a simple bouncing exercise on both feet for 2 minutes to warm up. This will be relatively relaxing and fun.

#2. Boxing - Upwards, forward and sides. Alternate punching upwards, to the side and forward. Do this for 2 minutes. Take a small break and stretch if you feel tired after this.

#3. Jumping Jacks - Do 50 if you are just starting. 100 if you've done this before.

#4. Snap Kicks - Be careful doing this. You will want to get your foot back down quickly so you need to kick quickly upwards and back down again. (Snap kicks is a basic martial arts move, but definitely fun to do.) Do 20 snap kicks total. Take your time in-between each kick.

#5. Bounce Side to Side for 2 minutes.

#6. Twist Jumps - Twist your hips from side to side while jumping for 2 minutes.

#7. Marching - Get your knees up high while doing this for 2 minutes.

#8. Cool down again by doing a basic bouncing exercise, going slower until you hop off after 2 minutes.

If you get bored of the workout above try making up your own exercises you can do on the trampoline. Experiment!


Trampolines are a low impact workout, but it also tones the legs and core muscles because it involves so much jumping and balance.

The National Ballet School in Toronto even uses mini exercise trampolines for their ballet students.

If you suddenly feel dizzy slow down and get off the trampoline. Take a break and drink a small amount of water.

You may feel a significant energy boost after exercising on a trampoline - the reason is because the fun quality of the exercise boosts your adrenaline and other "fun" hormones in your body which make you feel energized.

Trampolines work well when combined with other exercises like jogging outside, doing yoga on a mat, and even weightlifting with free weights at home (not on the trampoline, that is dangerous).

Trampoline exercises don't really burn a lot of calories by themselves. Hence why they work well as a motivator, but not so good at burning fat. Use the trampoline to motivate yourself to exercise - like a reward for completing your morning jog.

8 Ways to Lose Weight using Photography

#1. Take your heaviest camera.

Whenever you go for a walk take the biggest / heaviest camera one you own. Take your camera and go for an hour long walk at least twice per week.

If a 160 lb person walks 5 km in 60 minutes while carrying a camera they will burn approx. 300 calories.

Depending on how much you weigh and how far you walk you could burn a lot more. The same person walking 7 km in 60 minutes will burn approx. 460 calories because they were practically jogging in order to cover the extra distance in the same amount of time.

For added weight take your tripod and any other equipment you fancy with you. Even if you don't use it you are burning extra calories by carrying the extra weight with you.

#2. Take a backpack with water with you.

Three reasons. A. Because you can drink the water. B. Because the water and backpack provides extra weight for you to carry, which means you burn more calories. C. Because when bored you can take a photograph of your water bottle for fun in different locations.

Below: Still Life of Water Bottle #32 ; Still Life of Water Bottle #45.

#3. When on vacation explore as much as you can.

The more distance you travel, the more interesting photographs you get, the more calories you burn, the more fun you have. Easy!

#4. Take long walks along the beach.

The further the better. And the more distance you cover the more photographs you will get. And who would ever get bored of walking along the beach???

#5. Take photos of yourself in reflections while walking.

Sort of like before and after photos, but these will be photos along the way. If you look to photograph yourself in your reflection every time you go for a long walk - and you walk at least twice per week, then in a year you will have over 104 photos of yourself - and you will have burned approx 9 lbs of fat without even trying. It is possible you've burned way more than that due to increased physical activity and heightened metabolism. But what will be interesting is that you will have a photographic record of your gradual weight loss. And that is a happy thing by itself.

#6. Take your umbrella when it is raining.

Don't let rain stop you from taking your walks and taking photographs in the rain. Get a nice sturdy umbrella, the heavier the better because that burns more calories, and use that while doing photography in the rain. The rain will provide you with lots of things to photograph.

#7. Use other modes of transportation.

Cycling, canoeing, kayaking, snowshoeing in the winter. There are lots of other ways to exercise and take your camera with you. No shortage of stuff to do and things to photograph.

#8. Don't be afraid to experiment.

I am not talking about just exercise wise or photography wise. I mean experiment with both. Try new things. Take up new sports and take your camera with you during that new sport. (If you take up scuba diving get yourself a waterproof camera designed for shooting underwater.)


Going for walks and taking your digital camera with you is a very frugal way to get exercise. You can do it as an hobby, while on vacation, while with friends, while visiting relatives. No excuses not to do it.

Just take your camera and go!

8 Fun Football Exercises - Useful for Everyone

You don't have to play football to enjoy football exercises. Indeed most football exercises are actually stretches or cardio. A few are even bodyweight exercises.

Some of them are also ab workouts and/or work your obliques (side muscles). The end result is that football exercises are both versatile and inexpensive (you can buy a football for approx. $15 to $20).

So find yourself a clear space to exercise, get out your football [although in theory, any large ball will do - basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, etc.] and get ready for some exercises.

#1. Twists

Standing with two feet apart hold the football in front of you with both hands. Without moving your hips or legs, twist your upper torso as far to the right as you can. While you do so maintain arm pressure on the football in front of you. Do the same again to the left. Repeat 100 times.

This is my personal favourite of all my football exercises. Once you get good at it you can go really fast and it ends up being really exhilarating. It stretches and works the obliques and your lower back muscles.

#2. Squat Jumps

Holding the football in front of you and maintaining your torso in an upward position lower yourself into a squatting position. Then jump upwards, raising the football high above your head. Repeat 20 times.

#3. Forward + Backwards Bends and Sides

Standing with your feet apart place the football behind your head and hold it in place with both hands. Lean forward like you are doing a situp. Then do the same but lean backwards. Next lean to the right as far as you dare, then the left. Repeat 20 times.

#4. Knee Bumps

Holding the ball in front in front of you with both hands, raise your right knee until it is just below the football. Next in one swift motion lower your right knee and raise your left knee in a jump and try to bump the football out of your hands. (You may feel like you are doing that kick from the 1st Karate Kid movie.) With your hands try to with-strain the ball as best you can. Repeat 20 times.

#5. Squeezes

This exercise is easy. Just squeeze the football between both hands and move from side to side, squeezing as hard as you can, alternating which arm you are pushing the most with. Continue this exercise for 2 minutes.

#6. Toss and Catch

Catching a football requires good hand-eye coordination and also muscle coordination / balance. Simply tossing a football in the air and catching it with one or both hands is good exercise. Try to alternate which hands you throw and catch with. Throw and catch 100 times.

#7. Football Situps

Sit and balance yourself on top of your football. Place your feet out in front of you and lean backwards about 45 degrees. Then lean forward you are doing a situp, but without falling off the football. I admit this is nearly identical to using a standard exercise ball, but with a football it is lower to the ground and provides less stability due to it shape, thus you will need to pay attention to you balance. Try not to fall off it. :)

#8. Circle Passing

Pass the football behind your back from your left hand to your right hand, then in front of you from right to left, completing a circular motion. Repeat 50 times and then switch direction.

Better yet, find a friend or family member and go outside and throw the ball back and forth for an hour or so!

8 Super Fun Exercises Anyone Can Do!

1. Instead of Running (679 calories at a pace of 11 minutes per mile)... Try Ultimate Frisbee (572 calories)

In the USA check out and find local groups you can join.

2. Instead of Step Aerobics (360–714 calories)... Try Hula Hooping (420–600 calories)

3. Instead of the Elliptical Trainer (465 calories)... Try Salsa Dancing (393 calories)

4. Instead of Swimming (429–786 calories)... Try Rowing (250–600 calories)

5. Instead of Weight Training (214 calories)... Try Hiking with a Backpack (500 calories)

6. Instead of Walking (236–360 calories)... Try Ice Skating (500 calories)

7. Instead of Riding the Stationary Bike (393–786 calories)... Try Cross-Country Skiing (500–643 calories)

8. Instead of Push Ups (236–360 calories)... Try Archery (260-400 calories)
Looking to sign up for archery lessons, boxing lessons, swimming lessons, ice skating lessons or personal training sessions? Start by emailing and lets talk fitness!


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