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Low Carb Flax Bread

Chances are likely you don't know any places that sell Low Carb Flax Bread - which is really good for you by the way, so here is a handy recipe for how to make it.

Golden Flax Bread


2/3 cup flax meal
1/3 cup almond flour (other nut flours/meals can be substituted)
1 1/2 tsp baking powder*
Salt to taste (I like more salt in my flax bread than I would in other bread)
about 3 tsp olive oil or unrefined coconut oil (or butter, depending on what kind of flavor you want and your specific dietary needs)
2 eggs (1 egg will suffice, but 2 eggs holds together just a bit better)
water to texture desired (it makes a big difference, and the wetter it is, the harder it is to get it to cook all the way through, I go for minimal water needed to get things fluid enough to pour the batter)

*To make these completely grain free use a grain-free baking powder or grain-free baking powder substitution.


Mix the dry ingredients together well.

Gently beat the eggs together before adding (optional, but it blends better that way if they're pre-beaten).

This recipe will work for a regular-sized pie tin or small loaf pan. Double the recipe for a more normal-sized bread loaf pan. Do NOT forget to grease the pan well before pouring the batter in or else you will have one heck of a time trying to peel it out of your pan.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bake for approximately 20 – 25 minutes or until golden brown on top. To check if it is done use a toothpick or butter knife to poke it in the middle and it should could out clean after you insert it into the center of the bread. Enjoy fresh out of the oven (wait for it to cool down a bit) or at room temperature for a nice sandwich.


Herbed Bread: add small chunks of sharp cheddar cheese, a tablespoon of crushed thyme, a tablespoon of crushed sage, a teaspoon of oregano or bee balm, small handful of fresh chopped rosemary, fresh ground black pepper to taste, and maybe some coarse salt on top. You can even add some green onion, broccoli, or nettles for extra panache if you like.

Sweet Bread: add cinnamon, honey, cardamom, vanilla, and even some fresh fruit like sliced strawberries.

Pancakes: just make the batter thin enough to spread on a hot cast iron pan or griddle. Unsweetened applesauce is nice in the pancakes instead of using water.

Become a Fat Burning Furnace

Losing weight is actually just math: Burn more calories than you eat.

Of course, it is never as easy as it sounds! To burn those calories you will need a lot of hard work, a lot of sweat and maybe even a few tears.

There are also factors that contribute to not losing weight, whether its a slower metabolism, or having a body that stubbornly will not keep the pounds off due to hormones - But the good news is that it is possible to speed up your metabolism and its also possible to change your hormonal balance. ie. Weight lifting increases your testosterone levels AND boosts your metabolism at the same time.

To help speed results along, here are 5 handy tips to rev weight loss results as safely and quickly as possible.

Five Fast Weight Loss Tips

1. Drink a lot of water

You have probably heard this one before but health experts cannot stress how important it is. Water will: Speed up metabolism, decrease water retention (it sounds backwards, but its true), lubricates joints (less injuries so you can keep exercising!), curbs appetite, and being hydrated keeps energy and attention levels at their peak.
For best results drink cold water. Cold water is actually calories negative. (Likewise cold showers burn calories at a rate of 700 to 900 calories per hour, depending on the coldness of the water and your body type.)

2. Eat Soup

Weird suggestion, but you will see why soon. When you are trying to eat light, salads just do not cut it. You can't eat like a bird every day. You will be hungry again in an hour! Soups are hydrating, low calorie, filled with veggies and can even be frozen and saved, to minimize cooking time and trying to figure out your next healthy meal.

3. Cardio = Weight Loss, Weight Lifting = Muscle Gain

Don't confuse cardio with weight lifting. Yes it is good to both, but cardio is more effective at burning fat whereas studies have shown that weight lifting is not effective at burning fat and really only builds muscle.
Make sure you are doing both cardio and weights, but try to do 70% cardio and 30% weight lifting if your goal is weight loss. Cardio will boost metabolism short term, quickly burn through stored carbohydrates and fat and its heart healthy. Weights will boost metabolism long term by building muscle. Strength training also prevents injuries and tones the body, so you look good when you do lose weight. 
Weight lifting also prevents sagging skin and and adds muscle definition!

4. Lower your Carbs

Cut back on the bread and pasta. Eat smaller portions or eliminate from your diet entirely.
When you are trying to lose weight, go lighter on carbohydrates, and try eating most of them earlier in the day. Protein keeps you full, does not store as fat, and helps to repair damaged muscle tissue, which is perfect after weight training. Carbohydrates give you energy and is absolutely essential, you just don't want to eat more than you burn. A great breakfast is a low fat protein like cottage cheese or yogurt with a healthy carb like fruit or oats. At lunch have a sandwich and for dinner have a protein with vegetables. Snack on 100 calories of something healthy 2-3 times in between those meals, and you're set with a perfect weight loss diet plan.

5. Schedule your workouts

This one is really important!
If you "book yourself" in for a workout, you are more likely going to do it. Many people will forget or pass it up for something that seems more pressing. Put it on your to-do list and then DO IT!

Combining Circuit Training with Interval Training

Bored with your workout?

One alternative way of doing Interval Training is to try combining it with Circuit Training.

With interval training you alternate fast and slow (or high and low stress) exercises in order to give yourself time to breathe and capitalize on the "after burn effect" wherein your heightened metabolism keeps burning calories at a higher rate even though you've switched to a less stressful activity.

In contrast Circuit Training is just completing a circular route through different exercise equipment, not in any particular order.

To combine the two you need to make a circuit, but make every 2nd exercise a low stress exercise.


Circuit training integrates the cardiovascular exercise with resistance strength training in order to utilize every major muscle group within the body during one workout session while burning an efficient amount of calories. The name "circuit training" comes from the fact that these types of routines were conducted in a circle where participants altered between exercises that utilized different muscle groups.

A circuit can consist of anywhere from 5 to 15+ stations, each of which the participant engages in a couple of minutes doing a strength or cardio exercise. Rest intervals, only about 30 to 90 seconds, are typically allowed between each exercise station. These stations are usually arranged in a specific order that makes it so that one can alternate between muscle groups in order to give them time to recover.

There is a wide variety of equipment that is used to create each station to participate in different types of exercises. Cardio stations can utilize cardio equipment, such as a stationary bike, or be as simple as a jumping rope station. When it comes to resistance stations you may see large equipment like a weight training machine or smaller equipment like dumbbells, medicine balls, or resistance bands.

There are several reasons that circuit training is beneficial and may be exactly what you are looking for if you're bored with your workout. First of all, circuit training is one of the most efficient ways you can exercise as it requires you to use every major muscle group more than cardio-only exercises such as cycling or walking. Most circuit training routines utilize the following muscle groups at one point or another, chest, back, shoulders, quadriceps, hamstrings, triceps, calves, and biceps.

As far as overall exercise goes, circuit training is one of the most efficient ways you can get fit. Although, do keep in mind that most routines do not focus on building abdominal muscle because it is naturally engaged during the entire workout to maintain balance and support. If this is an important area for you, be sure to add in your own abdominal exercises on the side.

It is also safe for both your mind and body. As this type of training requires one to integrate several different types of exercises into one work out it is preventative against injuries. Switching up exercises helps to prevent the same muscles, joints, and bones from becoming stressed and overworked.

If you get bored with a particular exercise in your circuit you can also swap that exercise out for something new and more exciting... ooo shiny object chasing!

Another reason it is beneficial is because it ensures a balanced workout that equally builds strength while burning calories. Because of this it is a great choice for anyone who wants to improve their overall fitness.

Circuit Training is also a great choice for anyone who easily gets board with working out and craves variety. As circuit training requires you to change stations every few minutes, there's no way you are going to grow tired of the same repetitive movement.

How often should you be working out?



Health Canada recommends that we exercise (moderate to strenuous activity) 150 minutes per week. So that is 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week.

But governments have a tendency to undershoot and make really conservative estimates. Plus I am guessing that their recommendations is based on "maintaining weight" rather than "losing weight".

So begging the question, how often should I workout / exercise if I want to lose weight?"

- Rebecca G.


Hey Rebecca!

Yes, its true the Canadian government does recommend we exercise 150 minutes per week, and yes, you are correct, their goal for that is really for healthy maintenance. I should note at the same time that only 15% of Canadians actually get that 150 minutes per week of moderate to strenuous exercise, so its really no surprise that we have obesity problems in Canada.

If you want to be losing weight I recommend you start doing some math.

Lets say for example that you wanted to lose 1 lb per week via exercising. Your goal therefore would be to do 3500 calories worth of exercising per week. Approx. 700 calories per day.

Now that is a tough thing to do and your best solution is to do it via cardio / aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, swimming, etc. because those activities will burn the most calories. You could try doing it using weightlifting, but most people don't have the stamina to lift weights constantly for 60 minutes.

Exercise & Calories Burned per Hour
130 lbs
155 lbs
180 lbs
205 lbs
Aerobics, general
Aerobics, high impact
Aerobics, low impact

I should also say that it is impossible to get results working out only one day per week. I know, that's not the most motivating thing to say if you are the type of person who can only dedicate 1 day per week to exercise, but I'm not going to sugarcoat the truth. People who try to exercise one day per week, assuming they were previously in poor shape, simply won't have the energy to exercise for 5 to 7 hours in a single day.

So you really do need to break it up so you are exercising 5 to 7 times per week, either for 1 hour per day, or for 90 minutes five days per week. Either way your goal should to be exercising a minimum of 7 hours per week.

Keeping in mind that 7 hours isn't really a lot. You have 168 hours in a week. 7 hours is only 4.2% of your time.

And that is the minimum amount I am recommending if your goal is weight loss. The maximum I would recommend is 14 hours (unless you are in training as an athlete and your goal isn't weight loss, but muscle gain).

Now you might say, why set a maximum? The reason is because of loose skin. If you lose more than 2 lbs per week then your skin will start to become loose because you losing weight too quickly. Thus my recommended goal is between 7 and 14 hours of moderate to high impact cardio just so your skin doesn't start sagging after a month or so of super-fast-weight-loss.

Now if you are you one of those people who gets motivated on and off, and you only find yourself at the gym once a week being told you need to exercise for 1 to 2 hours per day will be a rather discouraging. My advice is don't try to think about it that way. After all do you have only eat healthy one or two days per week? Well if you can eat healthy every day then dedicating 4 to 8% of your time to exercising can be done too.

Now I admit that is not entirely fair because something is better than nothing. ANY effort is good for your health, but since your goal is weight loss then you need to be doing more than the bare minimum required for maintaining your current weight.

Remember these Weight Loss Goals

If you are beginner three workouts a week for 45 minutes to 1 hour is the MINIMUM you should be doing. Once you feel more motivated then you can aim for 5 to 7 hours per week. Given time you may even build the stamina and motivation to be exercising 14 hours per week.
Remember to mix up both cardiovascular and strength training workouts into this regimen and eat a very clean diet. Avoid anything that contains toxins.

If you have lost weight before or have been already working out regularly up the days per week to 5 or 6.
If you start exercising every day remember to alternate upper and lower body exercises that way your bottom/upper half gets a break every 2nd day.

Muscle Building Goals

If your goal is not weight loss but muscle gain you will have a very different way of doing it.

Whether you are a beginner or intermediate hitting the weights 3-5 times a week will be necessary for packing on serious muscle. Building muscle is hard! 1 or 2 times a week will not stimulate the muscle fibers enough to actually put on serious mass. Diet will be just as important so remember to eat lots lean protein and consider using whey protein supplements.

The photo on the right is of female arm wrestling champion Sarah Backman. You can bet she is exercising at least 14 hours per week in order to stay competitive.

Remember to give your muscles time to relax and repair. Over exertion can result in too much muscle fatigue and you won't be gaining any new muscle mass.

Health and Maintenance

To simply feel good and maintain your health, exercise 2 times a week for 45 to 60 minutes, or 3 times for 30 to 45 minutes. That will make the people at Health Canada happy. Get a little bit of everything into the workout: cardio, strength, balance, agility, flexibility, etc.

Awa Kenzo + Zen Archery Tips

Awa Kenzo was a Zen Archery Master who lived in Japan, born in 1880, died in 1939. He is one of the most important archery masters of the last century. In Western/European culture he gained notoriety because he was also the teacher of Eugen Herrigel, the author of "Zen in the Art of Archery".

Awa studied the art of Kyudo first in the tradition of the Heki Ryu Sekka-ha and Heki-ryu Chikurin-ha. At the time archery in Japan was very ceremonial and ritualistic. It is still used even today in Buddhist ceremonies to banish demons. (This concept isn't unique to Japan, many cultures believe in the power of the bow and arrow to banish evil. Simply making a sound by plucking a bow string is said to scare evil away.)

However following a religious enlightenment experience Awa Kenzo developed a totally unconventional and new approach to teaching archery, believing that the spiritual dimension also played a role in one's ability to shoot a target, especially if under stress. This part is certainly true from a psychology perspective as people who lack confidence and are under pressure will shoot particularly badly when they are distracted / unable to concentrate on what they are doing. Using Buddhist Zen principles to control (or unleash) the mind an archer can overcome difficulties and shoot just as accurately as they normally would under less stressful circumstances because they are able to calm their mind and shoot accordingly.

Knowing this Awa Kenzo deliberately turned away from the then-recognized tradition of Kyujutsu which was much more ceremonial to become an outsider in his training methods, focusing not so much on ceremony but on the spiritual enlightenment of his students.

In doing so his revolutionary approach resulting in his numerous students creating a lasting impact throughout Japanese culture. Awa Kenzo's doctrine of "Daishadõ-kyo" (Great Learning by Way of Shooting) followed a holistic transformation of the shooter in the sense of religious enlightenment through the practice of archery.

In the video below you can see Awa Kenzo's students taking turns shooting in a film made during the 1930s. Awa is recognizable for his rather long goatee.





#1. In the beginning learn to shoot quickly, don't worry about your accuracy so much as that will come later.

#2. Don't worry about form so much. Worrying about it will distract you. Just get the basics right.

#3. Breathe into your belly. Let it be the rock that holds you in place.

#4. Shoot even when your mind isn't in it. The best time to practice is when under stress.

#5. Embrace stress but don't let it control your mind.

#6. Your body will be honed with time, but only you can hone your mind.

#7. As you progress take your time to aim, but don't spend too much time aiming. Let your spirit guide you.

#8. Refine yourself to become a purer person. Avoid the distractions of vice and such things will no longer distract you.

#9. Take pleasure in the simple joys of shooting, even if you don't hit the target.

#10. Don't gloat over your successes. They are well earned, but don't let your ego become your downfall.
Looking to sign up for archery lessons, boxing lessons, swimming lessons, ice skating lessons or personal training sessions? Start by emailing and lets talk fitness!


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