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Adrenaline High Exercises

Doing exercises that involve an adrenaline high can speed up weight loss, and if you become addicted to the adrenaline high, it encourages you to keep exercising and doing the activity more often.

Here's a list of exercises that can give you an adrenaline high:

  1. Rock or Tree Climbing: Scale indoor or outdoor rock walls or trees, challenging yourself both physically and mentally as you navigate the route and overcome obstacles. The sense of accomplishment and the thrill of heights can trigger an adrenaline rush.

  2. Whitewater Rafting: Navigate fast-moving rivers and rapids in an inflatable raft, working together as a team to maneuver through the whitewater. The rush of adrenaline comes from the unpredictable nature of the water and the excitement of the adventure.

  3. Extreme Sports: Engage in extreme sports such as snowboarding, skiing, surfing, skateboarding, or parkour. These activities involve speed, agility, and calculated risks, providing an adrenaline rush through the thrill of performing daring maneuvers and pushing your limits.

  4. Paragliding: Soar through the skies with a paraglider, using air currents and thermals to stay afloat. The combination of the breathtaking views, the sense of freedom, and the adrenaline rush of being suspended in the air can provide a thrilling experience.

  5. Martial Arts: Engage in martial arts disciplines such as kickboxing, Muay Thai, or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The intensity of the training, the physical challenges, and the adrenaline rush from sparring or competing can create an exhilarating experience.

  6. Adventure Park/Obstacle Course: Visit an adventure park or try an obstacle course that includes elements like zip-lining, rope courses, or challenging obstacles. The physical and mental challenges, combined with heights and speed, can deliver an adrenaline rush.

Remember, when engaging in high-adrenaline activities, always prioritize safety and follow proper precautions. It's important to receive proper training, use appropriate safety gear, and follow the guidance of professionals to ensure a thrilling yet safe experience.

Why is September and October arguably the best time of year to do outdoor sports?

Q. Why is September and October arguably the best time of year to do certain sports?

A. There are many reasons why September and October are often considered favorable months for certain outdoor sports.

In the examples listed below we will look at many of the reasons why September and October are great months of the year to do archery, but many of these reasons will also apply to a variety of other outdoor sports.

  1. Weather Conditions: In many regions, September and October offer mild and comfortable weather. The heat of summer has usually subsided, and the cold of winter has not yet set in. This moderate temperature range can make practicing outdoor sports more enjoyable, as athletes don't have to deal with extreme heat or cold.

  2. Stable Atmosphere: During these months, the atmosphere tends to be more stable. This means there is less turbulence in the air, which can affect the trajectory of projectiles like arrows in archery. A stable atmosphere can result in more predictable and consistent shot placements, making it easier to focus on improving skills.

  3. Reduced Wind: Wind is a significant factor in many outdoor sports, especially archery. Windy conditions can greatly affect the flight of an arrow, making it difficult to maintain accuracy. During September and October, wind speeds are often lower compared to other times of the year, providing archers with more favorable shooting conditions. Also, wind direction during September and October (at least in the northern hemisphere) is more likely to be consistently from the north, which means the wind is also more predictable.

  4. Less Daylight Variability: As the days get shorter heading into fall, there is generally less variation in daylight hours compared to summer. This can provide more consistent lighting conditions, making it easier to judge distances and aim accurately in archery.

  5. Preparation for Hunting Season: For many archers, September and October mark the beginning of hunting seasons in various regions. As a result, these months are an excellent time to practice and refine archery skills to prepare for hunting activities. This gives archers the chance to practice their shots, accuracy, and stealth in conditions similar to those they will encounter during hunting season.

  6. Training and Tournaments: Many sports, including archery, schedule training sessions, workshops, and tournaments during the fall months. The favorable weather conditions and the absence of extreme temperature variations make it conducive to hosting outdoor events and competitions.

  7. Scenic Environment: The changing colors of foliage during the fall months create a visually appealing backdrop for outdoor sports. This can enhance the overall experience of practicing and participating in sports like archery.

  8. Cultural and Historical Significance: In some cultures, the fall season holds special significance for activities like archery. For example, traditional festivals or historical events related to archery might be celebrated during these months, motivating enthusiasts to participate and engage in the sport.

While September and October are indeed favorable for archery and other outdoor sports, it's important to note that the specific advantages can vary depending on the location, climate, and the sport itself.


New Archery Rates as of January 2024

Due to inflation I will be raising my archery rates on January 1st 2024. I haven't changed my rates since Summer 2020, so by January 2024 that will be roughly 3.5 years without any changes to my rates.

Below are my current archery lesson rates:

Morning / Afternoon Rates (No Evenings)

1 Student, Weekdays or Weekends
$70 for 90 minutes; 3 Lessons - $200; 5 Lessons - $320; 10 Lessons - $620.

2 Students, Weekdays or Weekends
$100 for 90 minutes; 3 Lessons - $290; 5 Lessons - $470; 10 Lessons - $920.

Below are my new archery lesson rates starting January 1st 2024:

Morning / Afternoon Rates (No Evenings)

1 Student, Weekdays or Weekends
$80 for 90 minutes; 3 Lessons - $230; 5 Lessons - $370; 10 Lessons - $720.

2 Students, Weekdays or Weekends
$110 for 90 minutes; 3 Lessons - $320; 5 Lessons - $520; 10 Lessons - $1020.

This $10 increase per lesson represents an approximately 14% increase in my rates for single lessons for one person. The inflation rate in Canada was only 0.72% during 2020, but was 3.4% in 2021 and 6.8% in 2022. So far in 2023 the inflation rate has been 2.8%, and could reach 4% by January 2024.

Keeping in mind that such inflation is compounded annually.

Thus a $100 worth of goods in 2020 would now cost $100 x 1.0072 x 1.034 x 1.068 x 1.028 (or 1.04) =

$114.34 (or $115.68 by January 2024)

Thus the compound interest during the past 3 years has been 14.34% and will reach approximately 15.68% by January 2024 when my rates go up.

So raising my archery lessons rates by approximately 14% is in line with the compounded interest rate from the past 3 years.

Note - Prebooking for lessons in 2024 means that people can lock in a cheaper rate before my prices go up in January. So if you are planning to get lessons in 2024 it is best to book now before my prices increase.

Plus hitting your own arrow (and breaking it) on a moving target gets more expensive as the price of arrows has also been going up.

Building Confidence / Weightlifting

This article is a two-parter. Part One is about how weightlifting is a good activity for building your self confidence. Part Two is about how to maintain self confidence through a variety of methods.

Part One - Building Self Confidence through Weightlifting

Honestly any kind of exercise helps to build self confidence, but two activities that are particularly good at building confidence are as follows:

1. Training for Marathons.

2. Weightlifting.

In theory you could do both, but lets explain why both of these activities are good for boosting confidence.

In the case of Marathon Training, running long distances does two things: 1. You see a noticeable increase in endurance, and that in turn boosts your confidence. 2. Long distance running releases a cocktail of endorphins and hormones into your bloodstream which act like drugs and produce what is known as "Runners High". The combination of progressively building endurance while being rewarded for your efforts with Runners High is a surprisingly effective way of building confidence. Actually running a marathon and then being able to say "I did it" is a bit like climbing a mountain, it is an incredible boost to your sense of self worth having accomplished what you set out to do. Doing multiple marathons, perhaps improving on your time as you progress means that you can see marked improvement as you get both faster and become a more efficient running machine. Unfortunately Runners High is also addictive, so be warned not to overdo it. (Anything over 100 km per week is considered to be an exercise addiction.)

In the case of Weightlifting the boosts to your confidence are multi-faceted.

  • You still get a release of Endorphins and Hormones while weightlifting, although not to the same degree as Runners High does. The result is that many people who get really into weightlifting will experience an Endorphin High. Note - It isn't a high like being drunk or stoned. It is more a rewarding feeling of euphoria.
  • After exercising many weightlifters will report feeling "unstoppable" for approx. 45 to 60 minutes after their workout because they are "so pumped up". This is a combination of both the endorphins and the feeling that they are physically bigger immediately after a workout.
  • As time goes by your strength and endurance increase, and mentally you feel more capable and more confident about your physical capabilities. Be careful you are not over-confident however, that leads to foolish accidents.
  • It is true that many weightlifters like to admire themselves in the mirror. Some perhaps a bit too much, but they are doing so because they are liking the results they are seeing. The confidence is there, building. Sometimes it might be over-confidence, so try to focus on staying humble.
  • Use your strength to help people during your daily life. Suddenly helping someone carry a baby carriage down a flight of stairs doesn't seem so difficult and you feel good about doing it. Feeling stronger in your daily life will boost your own sense of self worth.

Weightlifting Tips

Tip #1. Be careful not to over-train. Over-training causes you to lose muscle mass and become weaker over time, because you are overdoing it. If you feel worn out, exhausted, completely out of energy after a workout then you might be over-training. A good way to prevent this is to take regular breaks, hydrate and to focus on a moderate amount of repetitions with a moderate amount of weight. Trying to do lots of repetitions and lift ridiculous amounts at the same time is just going to exhaust you, causing more harm than good. You will know you are over-training if you feel exhausted each time, and actually feel weaker as time progresses.

Tip #2. Keep a journal of how many exercises/repetitions you do each workout and focus on leaving the gym feeling pumped up instead of leaving the gym feeling exhausted.

Tip #3. If you are feeling ill, tired due to lack of sleep or less-than optimal on a particular day, try reducing the weight between 5 to 20 pounds and focus on building endurance instead of strength today. It is okay to have an off day.

Tip #4. Once in awhile, like once per week or once every two weeks, you should try lifting a new personal record. Each time, even if it less than you were hoping, you should write down your new personal best in your journal.

Tip #5. Eat healthy! This is perhaps the most important thing you can do. You cannot build a weightlifting machine by feeding the engine doughnuts and coffee filled with sugar and cream.

#6. Maintain Proper Form and Posture. Form is more important than weight or number of repetitions. Bad form leads to sports injuries. Good form builds muscle faster. Wearing a lifting belt can also be a safe and effective way to help you maintain form and posture during weightlifting.

Part Two - Maintaining Self Confidence while Weightlifting

To explain this next part I am going to turn you over to the lady in the video further below who has multiple tips on how to maintain your self confidence by asking yourself several questions after your workout is over:

What did you do well?

What would you like to change or improve?

These questions are really geared towards making you a better weightlifter over time, but they also have the benefit of allowing you to evolve as a weightlifter and become better at it - and as a result it helps to maintain both your confidence and your motivation to keep lifting.

There are other tips for staying focused and staying confident while exercising. These tips include things like: Giving yourself a sports day once/week where you can go enjoy a fun activity outside instead of staying cooped inside in the gym all the time; Give yourself something to think about while you are exercising, like a mental puzzle or a mystery - this keeps your brain active on a task while doing the physical activity. eg. I like working on ideas for future projects in my head (whether they be woodworking, writing, artistic or even poetry) while I am weightlifting; Lastly, listen to music. A few good songs that make you feel excited to exercise certainly help keep you focused and enjoying what you are doing. Need more help? Hire a personal trainer.

Happy Lifting!

Fletching 101

Fletching refers to the feathers or other materials attached to the shaft of an arrow to stabilize its flight. Different types of fletching can have varying effects on an arrow's performance, such as affecting the arrow's speed and accuracy.

Here's a list of different kinds of fletching used on arrows:

  1. Natural Feathers: Traditional fletching material made from the feathers of birds like turkey, goose, or eagle. These feathers are often cut and shaped to create the desired stabilization effect.

  2. Plastic Vanes: Modern fletching made from various types of plastic materials. They are usually more durable and consistent in shape compared to natural feathers.

  3. Spin-Wings (Helical Vanes): These are plastic vanes with a slight twist or helical shape. The spin imparted by these vanes helps stabilize the arrow's flight and counteract any spinning induced by the bow's release.

  4. Straight Vanes: These are plastic vanes that are attached to the arrow shaft in a straight configuration. They provide stability through drag and airflow manipulation.

  5. Shield Cut Vanes: Vanes that are shaped like a shield or teardrop. They offer a balance between stabilization and reduced drag, making them suitable for various shooting styles.

  6. Parabolic Cut Vanes: Vanes with a parabolic or curved shape. They provide good stabilization and are often used in traditional archery and hunting arrows.

  7. Offset Vanes: In this configuration, one or more vanes are slightly offset from the rest. This can induce a spin in the arrow's flight for greater stability.

  8. 4-Fletch and 3-Fletch Configurations: Refers to the number of vanes used on an arrow. Four-fletch has four vanes equally spaced around the shaft, while three-fletch has three. The choice can affect arrow flight characteristics.

  9. Feather Length and Height: Both natural feathers and plastic vanes come in various lengths and heights. The choice of size can impact arrow stability and flight characteristics.

  10. Feather Colors: Fletching can be customized with different colors for aesthetic appeal, visibility, and identification purposes.

  11. Hybrid Fletching: Combining different types of vanes or feathers on a single arrow shaft. For example, using a combination of natural feathers and plastic vanes to balance tradition and modern technology.

  12. Cut-Out Vanes: Vanes with cut-out sections or perforations. These designs can reduce the overall weight of the fletching and influence arrow flight.

  13. Quick-Spin Vanes: These vanes are designed to quickly stabilize the arrow's flight, especially when shot from faster bows or crossbows.

  14. Low-Profile Vanes: Vanes with a reduced height profile, designed to minimize wind resistance and drag during flight.

Remember that the choice of fletching depends on various factors, including the type of archery you're engaged in (target shooting, hunting, traditional archery), the bow's draw weight and speed, and personal preferences in terms of arrow flight characteristics.

To learn more consider signing up for archery lessons with a local archery instructor. Looking for archery lessons in Toronto? Look no further. Cardio Trek can help you.

Looking to sign up for archery lessons, boxing lessons, swimming lessons, ice skating lessons or personal training sessions? Start by emailing and lets talk fitness!


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