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Showing posts with label Summer Activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer Activities. Show all posts

Motivating yourself for Summer Exercises

Thanks to global warming it's becoming so warm here in Toronto that sometimes it may be difficult finding your motivation to go outside an exercise. You might even be nostalgic for winter and the freezing cold.

However the good news is the summer keeps us feeling more active and energetic (thanks to Vitamin D from the the extra daylight) so let's use that to our advantage to get revved up for summer training!

#1. Get Excited by Planning Bike, Walk or Run Routes

When it is raining outside (a rarity in the summer) it's a great time to plan for a day when the weather will be more stable in a couple of weeks. Check out bicycle trail and hiking maps of Toronto and visit a place that you have never been to before. Even if you have to drive or take the public transit to get there, it will be worth it for a day of activity. Remember to bring your camera, picnic basket/picnic blanket and a cute friend!

#2. Get Motivated for the Summer Though Visualization

A lot of personal trainers advocate the power of visualization and meditation. Imagine your summer fitness goal, whether it's looking great in a Victoria Secret catalogue or imagining yourself running for an hour every Sunday morning. Always keep your eye on the prize, and the goal will seem more achievable!

Avoid negativity and visualize the positive benefits of achieving your exercise goals.

#3. Get Excited about Swimming

Check out local Toronto outdoor pools (many of them are free!) and if you don't know how to swim book yourself some swimming lessons in Toronto.

#4. Get Motivated with Summer Recipes

And I don't mean beer BBQd chicken. Although I admit that is fun to make.

A lot of summer recipes are healthy, refreshing and delicious. In the summer we stop making hot soups, stews and chili and start experimenting with fruit, vegetables, salads, beans and legumes. Plan your new weekly menu and start your summer fitness regimen with a whole new and exciting diet which will take advantage of what is available.

Ice Skating + Swimming Testimonial

"Thank you again for teaching me ice skating and swimming. I feel much more confident now when skating / swimming alone and I am using the techniques you taught me.

Thank you so much!"

- Janet W.

Cool Ways to Beat the Summer Heat

Toronto gets really HOT in the summer! The sun, the humidity from the lake and the constant lack of rain often makes many people feel sluggish, and not exactly pumped for a sweaty workout in the intense heat.

The same thing applies when you go on vacation somewhere really hot and realize its way too hot to exercise during the day.

So if you're looking for summer alternatives to exercises that won't leave you feeling (and looking) like a burnt raisin, try the following exercises:

Three Summer Workouts to Stay Cool

1. Public Pools

In Toronto, outdoor public pools are free, and when it's extremely hot they are open until 11pm. Swimming is a fantastic full body workout that combines cardio and strength. A swim is a great way to cool down, and with the extended hours, a dip in the pool after work or even before bed is a cool way to fit in activity this summer.

Or get a membership at a gym (or the YMCA) so you can access their pools.

2. Evening or Early Morning Workouts

When the sun goes down cycling, walking, jogging and even yoga are exercises that can be safely performed in the summer. Doing anything physical in the late morning or afternoon is not recommended. Not only is that the hottest time of the day, but it's also when the sun's UV rays are at their most dangerous levels. Try and evening workout to unwind and work off the stress from the day.

If you're a morning person you can also do early morning workouts before the sun is fully up.

3. Air Conditioned Classes

Maybe it's time to try out a class in an air conditioned studio. Even if it is only once a week dancing, martial arts, yoga and fitness classes are an effective way to beat the heat and achieve fitness goals. This also offers the opportunity to try something new, that has always been on the, "to-do" list.

Always remember to stay hydrated and stop exercising if you feel faint or nauseated.
Looking to sign up for archery lessons, boxing lessons, swimming lessons, ice skating lessons or personal training sessions? Start by emailing and lets talk fitness!


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