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How to Measure Muscle Mass

Some weightlifters like to know what percentage of their total weight is muscle and the lbs / kgs of muscle they have. There are several different methods for measuring or calculating the amount of muscle mass in the human body... And the methods are all highly inaccurate.

The only way to directly measure muscle mass is via cadaver dissection, which is not a good option! The methods described below are estimations, and based on different assumptions, and with varying degrees of accuracy. You've been warned!

The human body is made of several things:

Muscle Mass
Fat Mass
Bone Mass
Blood Mass
Waste Mass (Urine, Excrement)
Organ Mass

And so forth. Usually what people want to know is how to measure their Fat Mass and their Muscle Mass, often represented as a percentage of their total weight. Body Fat % X Total Body Weight = Fat Mass; Muscle % X Total Body Weight = Muscle Mass.

There are machines (electronic gadgets) at gyms that can give a rough estimate of fat mass and then using your weight it can be used to calculate the approx. muscle mass. But its based on a percentage and makes a number of assumptions that, including that the fat estimate was accurate and ignores things like above/below average bone and organ weight.


Girth measurements can be used to monitor changes in muscle mass. As the girth measure will also include the fat underlying the skin, any changes in your body fat will affect the results. Therefore, girth measures themselves are only a rough guide to muscle mass changes. The calculation below adjusts the girth measures based on skinfold levels in the calculation of muscle mass.

The Girth Muscle Mass Calculation equation to use is as follows, where: H = height, FG = forearm girth, CG = calf girth, CCG = corrected calf girth, TG = mid-thigh girth, CTG = corrected mid-thigh girth.

CTG = TG - π(mid-thigh skinfold/10)
CCG = CG - π(calf skinfold/10)
Muscle mass (g) = H(0.0553CTG² + 0.0987FG² + 0.0331CCG²) - 2445


Another method for determining muscle mass is through the measurement of the 24-hour urinary excretion of a chemical called creatinine. This method is based on on the correlation between total body creatine and urinary excretion of creatinine, and assumes that nearly all creatine is within muscle tissue, that muscle creatine content remains constant and that creatinine is excreted at a uniform rate.


The following methods are not used routinely to measure muscle mass, though it is possible to get estimates of muscle mass from these measurements. Most of these methods require sophisticated and expensive equipment, not usually available for most people.

Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) - using this method you can determine body components including non fat soft tissue.
Total Body Potassium (TBK) accurately determines the body's total cell mass (that is, the active growing tissues in the body), which in turn can be used to estimate fat-free or lean body mass. When this measurement is combined with measurements from the Total Body Protein, you can determine total organ and muscle mass.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - with MRI it is possible to get accurate measurements of the composition of body tissue, by identifying muscle, fat and organs etc.
Total Body Electrical Conductivity (TOBEC) - can be used to estimate lean body mass.
Computed Tomography (CT) - the high quality images can be processed to differentiate and measure the amounts of fat and lean body tissue.


So yes, you can try to measure your total muscle mass. But do you really need a number? What difference will that number make beyond bragging rights?

If you're going to do any kind of measuring the things I recommend measuring is your Personal Best.

How you do that depends on you, but what I like to do when weightlifting is to once a week see what the maximum amount of weight I can lift with a specific group of muscles. And to me it doesn't count as successful unless I can do 10 repetitions of that weight. If I can only do somewhere between 1 and 9 then it doesn't count. If I am going to lift something I don't want to lift it for a few seconds and then drop it and be unable to lift it again because my muscles are too tired. I want to be able to lift it and sustain that weight for a reasonable amount of time.

Once I know I can do that I can say that is my Personal Best and then aim to improve upon that.

Knowing my Muscle Mass percentage is comparatively useless.

How to Succeed in a Marathon

Autumn is a popular time of year for races and marathons in Toronto. The Scotiabank Waterfront Half Marathon for example, but if you want to compete in a long race you may want to take the following tips and advice into account to make yourself more competitive and to give yourself an extra energy boost.

Four Tips for a Successful Race-Day

#1. Eat well the night before and day of

You will want lots of energy and that means packing in the carbs the night before the race and on the morning of the race. Think pasta, bread, pretzels, anything with lots of energy in it. Just don't overdo it or you will feel bloated.

#2. Use the Washroom before the race

If you think that those porta-potties on the course will be vacant, think again! There's a huge line-up at every one! If you don't want to botch your time waiting in line 10 minutes, make sure everything is taken care of before you enter the corral and cross the start-line. Plus you will be able to run faster without carrying the extra weight in your bowels.

#3. Wear your Foil Blanket (Heatsheets) 

After you finish the race the volunteers will hand you a foil blanket. After the run you're pretty hot and sweaty and at first you think that the last thing you want is a blanket! But what actually happens is you start to cool down quickly after the race and you will feel hypothermic for about an hour after the race.

#4. Remember to stretch and eat after the race

It won't help you win, but its a good idea to eat something and stretch your legs/arms after the race. Otherwise you will be very sore for a week after the race. Have a friend bring grapes or some kind of fruit for you to eat after the race is over and try to do some stretching / yoga after the race.

Happy Racing!

Exercise Makes You Smarter

Now there are a lot of meatheads out there who don't use the muscle mass between their ears, but think again. Exercise also makes you smarter. How? Read below!

Just 30 minutes of exercise per day can increase your brain power and up the ante on your IQ. You won't become an Einstein overnight, but it will increase your brain's ability to think and focus and solve problems.

1. Increases Energy
The more you move, the more energized you will feel. Regular physical activity improves your muscle strength and boosts your endurance, giving you the energy you need to think clearer and come up with new ideas. A good 15 minutes of moving around, even just around your living room, makes your body produce more energy on a cellular level.

2. Sharpens Focus
Dr. John Ratey, author of “Spark – The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain” says that exercise improves your brain in the short term by raising your focus for two to three hours afterwards. If you have a presentation or speaking engagement try to work out beforehand; you’ll be at your peak when you have to perform. In the long term, it can even help starve off brain aging and Alzheimer’s. This works on the cellular level through neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to improve itself with blood flow and levels of brain-derived protein. He calls it “miracle-gro” for the brain, and it all comes from regular exercise!

3. Enhances Mood
Exercise releases endorphins, also known as nature’s mood elevator, which has been shown to improve memory. Exercise also releases serotonin, which improves mood and alleviates symptoms of depression, according to the Mayo Clinic. Duke University researchers proved that depressed adults who exercised regularly improved as much as those treated with the antidepressants.

4. Helps Impulse Control
Exercise helps trigger endorphins, which improve the prioritizing functions of the brain. After exercise, your ability to sort out priorities improves, allowing you to block out distractions and better concentrate on the task at hand.

5. Improves Memory
Your brain remembers more when your body is active. In an experiment published in the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, students were asked to memorize a string of letters, and were then allowed to run, lift weights, or sit quietly. The students who ran were quicker and more accurate when they were tested than students who chose the other two options.

6. Increases Productivity
Ever heard of “if you want something done, give it to a busy person?” It’s a proven fact that productivity begets more productivity. When we’re productive and efficient it propels us to succeed more. After exercising in the middle of the work day, workers are more likely to be kinder to their co-workers, increase their work performance and improve their time management. All these amount to a more productive day – all from a few minutes of exercise!

So what are you waiting for? Become a fitter, smarter and sexier you!

Exercise Motivational Quotes

Here is 12 motivational quotes to help get you exercising. :)

"Don't assume that just because you can't afford a personal trainer or a gym membership that you can't succeed at your fitness goals. Your primary weapon in your weight loss arsenal isn't money - its willpower and the knowledge that you will succeed if you keep trying hard."
-Charles Moffat, Toronto Personal Trainer

"Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict."
-William E. Channing

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are."
-Bernice Johnson Reagon

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
-Dale Carnegie

"Never be satisfied with what you achieve, because it all pales in comparison with what you are capable of doing in the future."
-Rabbi Nochem Kaplan

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
-Thomas Edison

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects."
-Albert Eistein

"It is exercise alone that supports the spirits, and keeps the mind in vigor."
-Marcus Tullius Cicero 

"If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who comes up on the short end." 
-Julius Erving 
"Happiness lies, first of all, in health." 
-George William Curtis 

"Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states." 
-Carol Welch 

"When the body is strong and the mind is weak, the result is insubordination. Train your mind as well as your body." 
-Author Unknown

Walking Burns more Calories than you think

It might surprise you but the simple act of walking daily burns quite a few calories.
Exercise & Calories Burned per Hour
130 lbs
155 lbs
180 lbs
205 lbs
Walking 2.0 mph, slow
Walking 2.5 mph
Walking 3.0 mph, moderate
Walking 3.5 mph, brisk pace
Walking 3.5 mph, uphill
Walking 4.0 mph, very brisk
Walking 4.5 mph
Walking 5.0 mph

However it is very silly when you realize that most people don't think of walking as a good exercise. Mostly I think because its not as quick as jogging or running, but if you read the chart above you will see that if you just walk briskly or almost jogging then you can burn quite a few calories in a single hour.

Part of the problem is that people do it everyday and it seems so easy... But for those of you looking to get the most out of your walks here are tips to step up your walk to make it a highly beneficial cardiovascular exercise:

1. Walk Faster

It seems like a no brainer but a fast walk really makes a difference. You're walking fast enough when the breath increases and the heart rate is elevated. You should feel like you're exercising!

2. Move your arms / Power Walking

Those speed walkers are not just swinging their arms to look determined. Pumping the arms brings more blood to the heart and therefore, offers more cardiovascular benefits.

3. Do Intervals

Just like a run. Speed walk super fast for a couple of minutes and then do a minute at a less intense pace for recovery. Here is a sample timing:

Fast Walk 4 minutes, Slower Walk 2 minutes. Repeat 10 times for 1 hour.

4. Walk Often

One or two walks a week is better than nothing but for results aim for 4 to 5 one-hour walks per week.

5. Eat like any other activity

Walking requires fuel. Eat a good meal before and take in food for recovery afterward.

6. Get a Walking Stick for Hiking

If hiking in the woods get a walking stick so that you are moving your arms more while you walk. It will also benefit your back and core muscles.

Follow these tips and pump of your walking regimen for a non-impact, healthy and result-promoting exercise.

15 Ways to Save Money and Exercise Frugally

1. Skip the gym.

One of the biggest costs for many people is the cost of a gym membership. It's not always worth the cost, especially since many gyms are a complete rip off and overcharge their customers, but it will motivate you to work out if you get into the routine of going to the gym daily. If you don't lack for motivation then you can work out by yourself at home, or at a community pool, or on a track or trail, you don't need to pay the monthly gym fee. Cancel your membership and use one of the options below. (Just remember to MAKE SURE it is actually cancelled. Many gyms keep charging people for months after the cancellation and its very difficult to get your money back once they've stolen it from your credit card / bank account.)

2. Cheap home equipment.

Do you really need an expensive home workout machine? No! The possibilities are endless, but some favourites include getting a barbell or a couple of dumbbells. With either of these, you can do a very complete, full-body workout. Or try jumping rope, or using a medicine ball, or a stability ball, or stretchable bands, or a chin-up bar that you can install in a doorway.

3. Walk.

Walking is free. You don't even need shoes (although you will probably want comfortable shoes) or fancy workout clothes (again, find some comfortable clothes already in your closet). Find a school track or a nice park, and you're all set to walk, jog or run to your heart's content.

4. Run.

Running can be expensive if you buy a lot of gadgets such as a heart rate monitor and other similar items. But really all you need is a good pair of shoes. Other than that, you can run anywhere anywhere near your home and get a good workout.

5. Swim.

If you have to pay to use a swimming pool, this isn't a frugal option. But you might live near a beach or a lake, where you can swim for free, or there might be a community pool near you for very cheap. And swimming is one of the best workouts there is. (Note: The YMCA is also available, but you'd be surprised how expensive it is.)

6. Even cheaper home equipment.

Don't have the cash for some dumbbells or medicine ball? Use stuff you already have. A stairway can give you a free step workout. Old paint cans can be weights. A sturdy tree limb can be a chin-up bar. Be creative. Or, alternatively, you probably know 10 people who have exercise equipment they're not using (it's extremely common) — ask them if they'd let you borrow them for free.

Failing that, go on Craigslist and shop for barely used bargains.

7. Sports.

Play basketball with some friends, or go outside and play soccer with your kids, or join a local league. The key is to get active. Archery is more expensive to get into, as is boxing (and not recommended with a boxing instructor) and tennis. But street hockey is relatively cheap, as is many other amateur sports which require almost no equipment.

8. Free fitness info.

Instead of buying a bunch of books and picking up a magazine every time you go to the store, visit the library or surf the web for some free exercise info. You are reading some right now.

9. Cheap workout fuel.

Instead of buying expensive workout supplements, you can just use what you normally have in the house. A great post-workout drink, for example, is chocolate milk: it has protein and carbs, which is really what you want after a workout. Other good sources of protein include eggs, low-fat yogurt, soy protein, and nuts. Check out Vegan websites for high protein recipes.

10. Bodyweight exercises and pliometrics.

Another great free workout that doesn't require any equipment is bodyweight exercises: pushups, chair dips, crunches, Hindu squats, Hindu pushups, lunges, squats and many more. Also try pliometrics, which can help you burn tons of calories.

11. Use the stairs.

If you work in a tall building, use the stairs every day instead of the elevator. Over the course of a month, you could burn a few pounds of calories.

12. Converse or contemplate.

Instead of buying an MP3 player to keep your mind company while walking or running, try free alternatives: conversation with a partner or contemplation while you're alone. They're actually very calming and worth giving a try.

13. Get an exercise partner.

Look for exercise buddies on Craigslist so you can go jogging and do other exercise activities together. Its cheaper than a personal trainer and well worth having a new friend with similar interests.

14. Invent your own exercise routine.

Write it down, post it on the wall near your TV / computer and on your fridge as a reminder to exercise while watching TV. Do jumping jacks while the water for your coffee boils.


Do this daily and it will make a difference.

15. Have sex more often.

Nothing gets the heart pumping more than a rigorous workout in the bedroom. Try some of the more difficult positions and tire yourself out. Huzzah!

How to get Rid of Fat Lines

Wrinkles in the skin on your stomach are caused by extra fat over a long period of time.

When body fat accumulates in the belly area, rolls form when you sit down or crunch up. If you repeat this movement often, fat lines will start forming in the area in-between where the rolls are. To get rid of fat lines, you need to attack not only the lines themselves, but also the fat that causes them.

Ergo, to get rid of fat lines you first need to shed the fat causing them. That means doing a lot of cardio exercises, possibly combined with weight training. Some trainers will tell you it can be done with weight training alone, but I recommend doing both with approx. 80% cardio and 20% weight training in order to shed the necessary fat while maintaining muscle tone. Trying to do it with only weight lifting will be more difficult if you lack motivation because you will tire easily due to low endurance.

Once you've shed the necessary fat then you can follow the steps below for getting rid of those ugly fat lines on your stomach.

Step 1

Shed the necessary body fat until you have "six-pack abs". If you have difficulty performing this step I recommend hiring a personal trainer to get the necessary advice. Its cheaper than expensive surgery and you will feel better knowing you've done it the natural way.

Step 2

Steps 2 and 3 are optional. They will speed up the reduction of fat lines, but they will disappear on their own if you do Steps 1, 4 and 5.

Treat fat lines as you would wrinkles or stretch marks. Apply moisturizing cream to them or massage with Vitamin E oil. Massage the chosen product into the skin and along the whole length of the lines. Repeat two or three times a day for as long as necessary. Creams and lotions that contain vitamin E will help soothe and regenerate the skin and with time will help get rid of stretch marks and fat lines, and even reduce the appearance of old scars.

Step 3

For best results apply creams containing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) to your stomach lines. You can find body lotions with AHAs in the ingredients list, but if the lines are deep and quite noticeable, you should try a face cream, as the concentration of AHAs will be higher. To use, simply apply over the lines and massage until the cream is absorbed. Creams containing AHAs can be combined with topical steroid creams to reduce inflammation of the skin and improve the appearance of stretch marks.

Step 4

Remember for any of these steps to be effective you first need to lose the necessary fat and maintain your new weight once you've lost it.

Thus it is very important to maintain the same level of body fat otherwise the lines will keep happening (and returning) as long as your body fat is too high and you have rolling skin when you sit down. Maintain a healthy diet and continue to exercise regularly.

Step 5

Perform abdominal crunches and ab exercises on a regular basis to tighten up the muscles in your stomach and firm up the skin above it.

No belly fat + firm skin = no rolls + no fat lines.

The Listen to your Body Diet

This is a simple concept that many healthy people have been following without realizing that they are doing it. The problem is that many unhealthy people don't listen to their own body and end up ultimately messing up their body's internal chemistry and rhythms.

Pay attention to what your body is saying and you will discover the best strategy for your dietary goals.

Rule #1. Eat when you are hungry (but not starving!)

It's not as simple as it sounds. Most people eat based on time of the day (breakfast, lunch, dinner), not when their body actually feels hungry. Sometimes people eat when they're not even hungry simply because it is "lunch time" or they will be starving at dinner/supper time because they were waiting since 3 PM to eat.
Also remember that sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger. If you only ate one hour ago and feel hungry, drink a glass of water, wait 30 minutes and re-assess the need for food.

Rule #2. Stick to Smaller Meals and Snacks if your goal is Weight Loss

The question "How much should I eat" is often mentioned by dieters, and the amount is hard to ballpark. Different people have different needs based on their exercise levels and height. If you eat small meals and healthy snacks that are between 200 to 400 calories you will feel content, eating a total of roughly 1600 to 2000 calories per day depending on your size. If you're finding it's not enough or you're hungry again in an hour, raise the food intake by 100 calories until the adjustment works for you.

Try the following routine:

Breakfast 400 calories.
Mid-Morning snack 150 calories.
Lunch 400 calories.
Afternoon snack 150 calories.
Supper 400 calories.
Evening snack 100 calories.
Total: 1600 calories.

The exact times should vary day by day and be based on whether you actually feel hungry or not.

Rule #3. Eat Healthy

As often as possible try to stick to food that is not processed, fried, frozen or high in saturated fat. Instead, eat whole grains, dairy, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, and healthy fats. Fruits, grapes, berries, nuts are awesome!

This doesn't mean you can't sometime indulge in ice cream or even bacon, but you should watch your calories when eating such foods.

Rule #4. Learn to Read Labels

Pay attention to labels on food packaging. Learn the differences between saturated (bad) and unsaturated (good) fats. Learn how many calories is in your favourite foods and drinks. Keep a journal of what you eat for a whole week once per month (don't do it constantly, its better not to obsess about it too much) and with time you will be able to count calories in your head without thinking about it. You can also get gadgets or Apps for your SmartPhone that can calculate calories for you. (eg. A nutritional scale for your kitchen can be quite useful.)

Try these 4 rules together and in combination with regular balanced exercise and you will see results.

The Path of Most Resistance

Do you dread going to the gym or exercising?

Do you have more negative memories about exercising than positive?

Do you treat your body poorly?

Do you talk about how miserable exercising makes you because you feel you aren't accomplishing anything?

Do you exercise less and less on a monthly basis?

Do you have fewer positive experiences with exercise every year?

If you answered yes to most of the questions above then you need to change the way you think about exercise and becoming a fitter, healthier, stronger, faster, more youthful you.

First of all consider the following formula:


Talent is your natural talent to do something. If we were to rank your Strength for example on a scale of 1 to 20, with 10 being the average, how well would you rank? High? Low? And how high would you want that number to be? 14? 16? 18? 20 evidently would be amongst the strongest people on the planet and very rare. But a 14 isn't anything to sneeze at either.

Investment is the amount of time and effort you want to spend on a task. In this case the task might be losing weight, building strength, improving flexibility, or even just feeling better about your health.

Now lets pretend for a moment you are below average in your Strength. A mere 7. The local wimp who wants to be the next Charles Atlas (bodybuilder from the 1920s to 1970s). Is the young Mr Wimp going to accomplish anything special if he is only working on it 5 minutes per day? No, he won't, not when you consider there is 1,440 minutes in a day.

Now lets pretend for a moment young Mr Wimp decides he wants to really practice hard and aims higher, perhaps going for 1 hour per day. Well its better. But is 7 hours per week really enough to turn Mr Wimp into Charles Atlas? No, probably not. It will improve some of his muscle tone, but its not going to be anything spectacular. It might boost him up to an 8 or a couple more points higher given time.

No, what Mr Wimp really needs is a CHALLENGE. And its going to become a huge time commitment.

Think 3 hours per day, 5 days per week. Approx. 15 hours per week. If his goal is to be building muscle then he needs to lifting weights during those hours. He will be tired and sore afterwards, but if he has the mental fortitude to keep doing it then he will start to see results. Over time he will continue to challenge himself and build up his strength. If his final goal is a 16 Strength then it will take him years to accomplish, but it can be done if he invests the time.

He isn't going to accomplish this goal by being lazy and taking the path of least resistance. No. He has to take the Path of Most Resistance if he is going to accomplish this goal.

Now I am not suggesting you go out and buy Charles Atlas' book. Certainly not. You can do so if you really want to, but its really like any other bodybuilding book you might find. (According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charles Atlas is the reason Arnold became a bodybuilder in the first place.)

That and the whole "15 minutes per day" slogan from Charles Atlas just isn't enough time investment to be truly effective.

What I trying to convey here is that it is really more a matter of will power if you want to succeed in a particular goal.

Yes, natural talent is good. But it will only take you so far if you don't have the will power to spend the investment of time in attaining your goal.

You can learn to self-motivate, you can hire a personal trainer, you can get yourself an exercise buddy... but the end result is you need to find the will power and the motivation to make that investment of time in taking the Path of Most Resistance towards getting your goal.

Because doing nothing or almost nothing will get you this far: Nowhere.

Lets pretend you are Mr Average with a 10 Strength. You only exercise 10 minutes per day. About an hour per week. Using our formula from further above how far will that get Mr Average?

10 Strength X 1 Hour per Week = "10 Strength-Hours" (sorta of like measuring Torque in "foot-pounds").

In contrast Mr Wimp's new exercise routine is...

7 Strength X 15 Hours per Week = "105 Strength-Hours".

Now who do you think will be growing muscle mass faster? Someone doing 10 Strength-Hours or 105 Strength-Hours? The answer is obvious. Before you know it Mr Wimp will have a 10 Strength or higher. He may eventually reach a point where he decides to change his name to "Mr Strong" (kudos to the children's book).

So how do you know where you rank on the Strength Scale of 1 to 20?

Well, there are several ways to try and figure that out for yourself. You could use the previous post I made titled "How to Test your Muscle Tone", but that won't give you a detailed result because its only 2 exercises.

What you really need is a comprehensive test for a variety of different exercises and a ranking / points system for each of the exercises. In theory you could ask your personal trainer (if you have one) to come with some kind of system for testing you and then giving you a ranking. Or if you live in Toronto you could hire me as your personal trainer and I could do it for you.

You could try and come up with a system yourself, but it will be tricky to judge since you're not the most unbiased person when it comes to your own fitness. What you really need is an objective judge.

Then once you know where you are you can say where you'd like to be. Go after that goal. Invest the time and every month do the test again to see how close to your goal you are. If you are start off at 9 Strength and your goal is 14 and you're up to 10 after only a month then in theory you only have 4 more months to go before you reach your desired level of fitness.

And there is nothing more motivating than knowing you're making progress and succeeding at your goals.

How to Test your Muscle Tone

Here are two commonly used methods for testing muscle tone:

#1. Muscle Tone for Legs Test: Knees bent

Put your back against the wall, bend your knees as if you were sitting. Hold for as long as possible.

Results: If you hold

Over 60 seconds: excellent
Between 45 and 60 seconds: good
Between 30 and 45: medium
Under 30: low

EXAMPLE: The Olympic ski champion Franck Piccard held this position for over 15 minutes.

#2. Muscle Tone for Arms Test: Push-ups 
Lying on stomach, hands resting on the ground at shoulder height, arms bent, push up the floor stretching arms up and come down. Count the number of push ups made in 1 minute.

Result: If you exceed

Over 30 : excellent
Between 25 and 30: good
Between 15 and 25: medium
Under 15: low

The world record for the most push-ups in 1 minute is 199. Source:

How to Shed Those Love Handles

Why do people still call them love handles? Nobody loves them!

I think it is because many people are afraid to hurt the feelings of loved ones and its apparently better to make a lewd sexual joke about love handles than to admit they're unattractive.

Many people, especially men in search of firm six-pack abs, want to ditch their love handles... The problem is HOW!

Love handles are a bit trickier but they basically go hand and hand with ab workouts and cardio - and to be fair cardio is the most important part of this equation because doing ab workouts isn't going to shed the fat, it will only firm up the muscles under the fat.

"Love Handles" is the fat that can hang down from off the sides of the stomach, below the oblique muscles. You can try firming up the region by doing oblique exercises to tone the muscles, but that isn't going to shed the fat on top of those muscles.

If you're looking for a quick solution to get rid of a particular spot of fat on your body the bad news is that you just can't get rid of the love handles or any other particular area of fat that way. Spot Reducing as it is known by impossible. The only solution really is to burn lots of calories, burning fat all over your body and the good news is that your fitness journey will result in you losing fat in every part of your body and toning every part of the body - not just the love handles, but other problem spots too. So if you want to pull a Houdini on those unloved handles and make them go poof like magic you're going to have make lots of other things go poof at the same time - including belly fat, fatty thighs, arm fat and so forth.

If you're trying to "spot reduce" by doing targeted exercises you're only going to increase the muscles in that region. You aren't going to shed the fat unless you're willing to go the extra mile and do lots of cardio.

That means swimming, cycling, jogging, running, jumping jacks, anything that requires full body movement and burns lots of calories. 3500 calories = 1 lb of fat. So set yourself a goal to lose 10 lbs of fat in 10 weeks and then start doing a combination of cardio (to lose weight) and weight training (to maintain muscle definition). Losing 1 lb of fat per week is a relatively easy goal. Over the longer term when you see the results of the first 10 lbs then you can keep going and set more goals until eventually you've shed those love handles (and all your other trouble spots).

When you are lifting weights (with your personal trainer, me perhaps. Hint hint.) there are a number of exercises you can do to increase definition in the obliques (side muscles), and help firm and tighten that troublesome area:
-Alternating Side Crunches
-Bicycle Crunches
-Side Crunches
-Side Crunches on a Ball
-Side Planks
-Weighted Side Bends
These exercises alone aren't going to shed the fat. They will however firm up the muscles under the area so that when you eventually lose the love handles you will have some attractive obliques you can admire in the mirror.
Don't forget to maintain a healthy balanced diet along the way. Nutrition is half the journey! 

10 Exercises to do at Home with Zero Equipment

Wouldn’t it be great if you could afford lots of fancy equipment used in the gyms and a personal trainer? Yes, of course it would. But for those of you out there on a budget and you already have lots of motivation (which is really the whole purpose of personal trainers), what are your options?

Well there are actually quite a few exercises that are effective and don’t require any equipment at all. And best of all you can do them at home, even while watching TV or listening to music.

#1. Walking / Jogging / Running.

You don't have to go outside to do these, but you can. Pull on some shorts or sweatpants, your best running shoes and go enjoy the scenery around you while you exercise. However, if the weather has other ideas, you can also do step exercises at home. If you have a flight of stairs, go up and down them 20 times. (You could even do a load of laundry as you’re going that way anyway!) This will help to tone up your legs, while getting some low impact aerobic exercise as well. If you don’t have any stairs available, just walk or skip around the house a few times – it may not be very exciting, but it will be some cardio.

#2. Jumping Jacks – I do 500 of these every day while listening to music... Starting with "Eye of the Tiger" and some other songs that get me in the exercising mood. Jumping jacks are always fun and are also great cardio exercises.

#3. Pushups – I do 100 of these every day, again to music. Pushups are not the most favourite exercise for some people, but while they can be hard to do, you can find easier ways to do them. Do them on your knees, instead of keeping your legs straight. Or, do them standing up against a wall. You will be building up arm strength in your triceps and working out muscles in your chest area (pecs).

#4. Leg Lifts – These are great for building up strength and muscles in your legs. If you find it hard to do the exercises with your legs straight, try bending them slightly.

#5. Crunches – The best exercise for building up and strengthening abdominal muscles. When you’re just getting started, don’t worry about getting your head all the way up. So long as you’re going up until you feel the stretching of the muscles, you will see some benefit.

#6. Jogging In Place – Jogging is a great exercise for your heart. You can jog in place at home while watching TV easily. The only equipment you will require is a good pair of shoes, to eliminate any stress to your legs.

#7. Squats – These are wonderful exercises for your legs and buttocks. You can even just try these by sitting and standing up again from a regular chair, if you’re finding them to be too difficult. As long as you’re able to do a few repetitions, you will be providing some benefit to your body.

#8. Light Weight Lifting – No, you don’t need to go out and buy expensive weights for this! Just use whatever you can find in your house. Start out with something lighter, such as a can of peas, and work yourself up to heavier items. You can use milk jugs, laundry detergent bottles or even water jugs.

#9. Dancing – Dancing is a wonderful exercise, which is great for your heart. Not only that, but it can lift your spirits as well, and give your overall feeling a boost. Again, music is a must!

#10. Step Exercises – Using the steps in your home, you can do repetitions which will tone your leg muscles. (Just remember to be careful and don't fall!)

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